Orange County NC Website
Lesaatl space et 110 5. CM1UMn Street <br />1) Ae you know, HRR is housed In leased space x1170 S.Churton Street. The lease for Met <br />space expires on December 1, 2003. When the lease expires, we would not enficipate <br />recommentling it for renewal for a number of reasons, inGUtling, but not limitetl to the <br />following: <br />a) First, the HUman Rights/COmmiasion for Women function that was odginally movetl to <br />Mis location found the space suitable for [heir operation. However, wdh the sign~wnt <br />growth of the tlepartmenl over fha pas[ few years and [he evolu[bn of their function, Me <br />Facility serves netther [he department nor their dients atlegualely. <br />b) Further, the OPO Family GOUnseling Center Mat occupies Me upper goor of the builtling <br />has also outgrown the apace end is seeking alternative rental space. Tom MayneM, <br />OPC Executive Director advises me that they will secure and pay for the leasetl space <br />on their own. <br />c) Vet another issue associated wtth this leasetl premises is that Dad of the approxlmstely <br />$63,000 annual lease payment for this location indudas the Landlord's responsibility to <br />pay costs of utilities. Fcurtimes tludnq the past year, services have intermp[ed due to his <br />non-payment of bills. Although we have counseletl Me landlprtl numerous times <br />regarding the unacceptabillN of this type of behavior, our efiode have been only <br />marginally successful. The latest episotle of water service intenuptbn ocarred less <br />than 30 days ago. For these antl other reasons, I believe A Dtudent to not renew the <br />lease at its expiretion. <br />Adtlitional Fi¢eel Consldera[lons <br />1) By the and of the lease period Por 110 5. Chudon Street (Dec 1 2003), Me annual lease <br />amount will be in excess of $65,000. It may be worth remintling curselves that the revenue <br />derived from the rented space at 501 W. Franklin St. serves to support debt service <br />payments for Me entire facility. AlMOUgh we would not charge ren[(orthe space occupietl <br />by HRR, the eignificent expentliture reduction would lessen the impact of any lost revenue. <br />2) In atldigon, you may recall that Me Skills Development Center (SDC)fnencing hatl two <br />components. One portion of the loan for the SDC side was deemed public purpose and <br />therefore borrowed e[ a lower rate, while the loan on Me 501 podion of [he bulltling canted a <br />hgM1er rere beceuae tts pdmary ocwpants were not public pupose. If Me eoartl chooses to <br />allow the Viei[Or'e Bureau antl HRR M locate in this buiMing, that publiGpdvate balance will <br />swing to Me public side antl I am advised by [he Finance Director Met refinancing the loan at <br />a lower rete can ^cdrq Mereby saving addfiional money over the remaining Ilfe of Me loan. <br />