Orange County NC Website
Memorandum <br />TO: John Link, County Manager <br />From: Pam Jones, Director of Purohasing antl Cen4al Services <br />RE'. Coltlwell Honker's Imminent Lease Expiration at 501 W. Franklin Street <br />Date: October 11. 2001 <br />Purpose: <br />The purpose of Nis memorantlum is to tllscuas options regeMing Ne use of apace currently <br />leased from the County by Coldwell Banker at 501 W. Frenklin Street, Chapel Hill. This matter <br />is time senstliva in respect to the notice that we should give Ne tenant Rwe choose not to <br />renew [heir lease. <br />Background <br />As you are aware, the largest rental suite at 501 West Franklin SVeet Is the only one with <br />street-front exposure antl is occupietl by Goltlwell Banker. Their lease expires Febmary 28, <br />2002. When the County purohasetl this property, which is atllacenl b the Bkills Development <br />Center, the Hoam of Commissioners expressed a tlesire [o see the property eventually convert <br />[o rent-paying public pupose tenants. Various suites have became available tluring Ne <br />approximately six years in which the County has ownetl Ne property, howeveq no eligible <br />agency has chosen to relocate to this space. <br />WN the Impending opportunity to move the overall site tenancy closer N the BcaN's long-term <br />wishes, in April 2001 I contacted the Town of Chapel Hill, Ne Orange County Visitors Bureau, <br />Orange Community Housing, Inter-feiN Council end Habdat for Humanly, b feet their Interest <br />in the leased apace. Inter-Faith Council inquiretl about the apace in passing, but has not <br />shown further interest since that time. Wilhthe excepgon of the Visitors Bureau, the others <br />declined. <br />The Vislror's Bureau has expressed Mmiel Interest In occupying the suite at such time <br />Coltlwell's lease terminates. Per my conversations with Joe Blake, they have a need for <br />adtlitional space b accemmotlate not only their existing operation, but also Ne eventual <br />integration of a Visitors Center with the Bureau. Further, Ne street-front location woultl be e <br />real boos[ to the visitors ease of access, which is ctlticel for effegive Bureau service tlellvery. I[ <br />is my belief and untlerstantling Nat the Visitors Bureau Boartl has formally supported this <br />posi4on antl is preparetl to exewte a lease for approximately 3800 square feet of space. <br />Since Ne subject was tliscussetl in the context of the Visitors Bureau budge[ end since the <br />eoartl of Commissbners approvetl the renovation end incresaetl rent footle In the VielNr'e <br />Bureau budget, l presume that [he eoaM would entlorse the use of the space for the Visitors <br />Bureau. However, prior to giving fornal notice to Coldwell Banked walledbwnfiim that <br />assumption. <br />