Agenda - 06-15-2021; 7-a - One Orange County Racial Equity Plan - A Framework for Moving Forward
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-15-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 06-15-2021; 7-a - One Orange County Racial Equity Plan - A Framework for Moving Forward
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Minutes 06-15-2021 Virtual Business meeting
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14 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY COUNTYWIDE RACIAL EQUITY PLAN <br /> A FRAMEWORK FOR MOVING FORWARD <br /> JUNE 15,2021 <br /> 4. What does our jurisdiction define as the most important racially equitable outcomes? (Should be <br /> answered by the Community) <br /> 5. What are some known racial inequities in your jurisdiction? What does population level data <br /> reveal about root causes or factors influencing the racial inequity? <br /> 6. What are the root causes or factors creating these racial inequities? <br /> 7. How does your jurisdiction's relationship with communities of color need to change? <br /> 8. How can those most adversely affected by an issue be actively involved in solving it? <br /> 9. How will proposed outcomes address root causes of racial disparities and advance institutional <br /> and/or systemic change? <br /> 10. What government programs will this proposal impact? What are the opportunity areas? Le. <br /> budget, health,jobs, social services, criminal justice? <br /> 11. How do you ensure your proposal is working and sustainable over time? <br /> Creating Actions to Achieve Outcomes <br /> 1. Were actionable solutions identified during the information gathering phase of this process by <br /> communities of color? <br /> 2. Which actions were identified as priorities by the communities of color? <br /> 3. What is a specific change in policy, practice, or procedure that could help produce more equitable <br /> outcomes?Are these changes working together, in a complementary way? <br /> 4. How will an action decrease racial disparities? <br /> 5. Are there any unintended consequences? Who benefits; who will be burdened? Can they be <br /> mitigated? <br /> 6. Will the proposal impact specific geographic areas and what are the racial demographics of those <br /> areas? <br /> 7. What capacity is needed to successfully implement the action? Is it adequately funded? <br /> 8. How will an action be implemented and by whom? <br /> 9. Is the action achievable within the lifetime of the plan? <br /> 10. Is the action measurable and how will it be measured? <br /> 11. What performance level data is available for the proposal?Are there gaps in the data that need to be <br /> filled and/or tell us about the racial inequity in our community. <br /> 12. How will the racial equity plan be communicated, internally and externally? Is the communication <br /> reaching the intended audience? <br /> 13. How can the plan be systematized? <br /> Who is Responsible or Accountable for Completion of Each Action (Stewardship Plan) <br /> 9. Ongoing coordination <br /> a. What is needed? <br /> b. Who is accountable? <br /> c. How will they be held accountable? <br /> d. Is the plan durable? <br /> e. Does the plan allow for continuity and succession? <br /> 10. Ongoing, Racially Equitable and Relevant Engagement <br /> 11 <br />
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