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3 <br /> unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as a <br /> financial plan, as an operations guide, and as a communications device. <br /> This award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current budget continues to <br /> conform to program requirements,and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for <br /> another award. <br /> A press release is enclosed. <br /> Upon request, GFOA can provide a video from its Executive Director congratulating your specific entity <br /> for winning the Budget Award. <br /> We appreciate your participation in this program, and we sincerely hope that your example will encourage <br /> others in their efforts to achieve and maintain excellence in governmental budgeting. The most current list <br /> of award recipients can be found on GFOA's website at If we can be of further assistance, <br /> please contact the Technical Services Center at(312)977-9700. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Michele Mark Levine <br /> Director, Technical Services Center <br /> Enclosure <br />