Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> Departmental Information <br /> 03. Mandatory: A schedule or summary table of personnel or position counts for prior, <br /> current and budgeted years shall be provided. Proficient. Criteria met. <br /> 04. Mandatory: The document shall describe activities, services or functions carried out by <br /> organizational units. Proficient. Departments are clearly defined and include financials, <br /> major services, outcomes for the current year, and budget year objectives and <br /> performance data. Thanks for including details for the education budget. Nice job. <br /> 05. The document should include clearly stated goals and objectives of organizational units <br /> (e.g., departments, divisions, offices or programs). Proficient. Departmental objectives <br /> are presented but there is no visible linkage to long term BOCC goals. See comment in <br /> P 1. Linking a department to an overall broad goal is far easier that linking each <br /> objective. Please see sample at the end of the review for a linked presentation. Please <br /> note the sample is not from a Board department. <br /> 06. The document should provide objective measures of progress toward accomplishing the <br /> government's mission as well as goals and objectives for specific units and programs. <br /> Proficient. Measures are presented. Continue to work on measures that clearly link to <br /> departmental objectives (that should link to overall goals.) <br /> Document-wide Criteria <br /> C3. The document should include statistical and supplemental data that describe the <br /> organization. Proficient. The location and content of the early profile are effective. At <br /> the conclusion of this piece, please direct the reader to page 470 for additional <br /> demographics. <br /> C4. A glossary should be included for any terminology (including abbreviations and <br /> acronyms) that is not readily understandable to a reasonably informed lay reader. <br /> Proficient. <br /> C5. Charts and graphs should be used, where appropriate, to highlight financial and statistical <br /> information. Narrative interpretation should be provided when the messages conveyed by <br /> the graphs are not self-evident. Proficient. Graphics are relevant and well-placed. <br /> C6. The document should be produced and formatted in such a way as to enhance its <br /> understanding by the average reader. It should be attractive, consistent, and oriented to <br /> the reader's needs. Proficient. <br /> The budget as a policy document: Overall proficient <br /> The budget as a financial plan: Overall proficient <br /> The budget as an operations guide: Overall proficient <br /> The budget as a communication device: Overall proficient <br /> General comments: <br /> You have produced and informative document. Despite the unfavorable conditions during <br /> development, the budget is effective. <br /> Suggested priorities for improving the budget presentation: <br /> Included in review. <br /> Noteworthy pages or unique item/presentation: <br /> Detailed presentation of non-departmentals; Process for agencies to be funded <br /> Orange County,NC Page 3 <br />