Agenda - 11-05-2003-6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-05-2003
Agenda - 11-05-2003-6a
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3 <br />FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS <br />What is the time frame for the campaign? <br />We envision a multi-year program, not ashort-term effort, which will gain momentum over the years. <br />Why is this campaign important to me? <br />The goal of the campaign is to make the region's residents aware of all the things that make The Triangle so <br />special, to celebrate its uniqueness and diversity, and to generate pride in both the region and its individual <br />communities. That kind of pride can and will have a positive influence on how external markets view The Triangle. <br />What are the practical benefits? <br />First, it creates a basis for a shared identity and a shared destiny. Although independent and unique, the cities and <br />towns of The Triangle are continually working together to solve problems (e.g., air and water quality), affect <br />solutions (traffic and transportation) and address opportunities (economic development). <br />Second, the campaign will broaden recognition of regional opportunities and increase awareness of The Triangle's <br />unique diversity, a direct result of its individual communities. Such a combination of regional power and localized <br />individuality is a real strength, and the campaign is specifically designed to call attention to that strength. The <br />bottom line, then, for all of us is a multitude of cross regional marketing opportunities. <br />Finally, the ultimate goal of the campaign is to create a greater understanding and appreciation of The Triangle and <br />its individual communities among Triangle residents, prospective residents and visitors. This will most likely have a <br />significant financial impact in terms of future economic development and visitor/tourism-related opportunities. While <br />the initial phase of the campaign is internally driven, its messages, tone and character could serve as the <br />foundation for external marketing efforts in the future. <br />How much will you spend on this? What's the total budget? <br />Although much of the work that has gone into the campaign to date is pro Bono and the initial media is comprised <br />predominately of PSAs, we are exploring ways to raise real dollars as well to enhance the campaign's long-term <br />success. We also plan to attract additional sponsors who share our excitement and are willing to support the <br />concept. Clearly, we envision an extensive campaign that will continue to grow over a number of years. <br />How do you envision the additional communities being involved? <br />We see this campaign as a very fluid, open-ended process. Every community in The Triangle is a partner in it ... a <br />member of the family, if you will. The extent to which they tie in will be up to them. We invite their collaboration and <br />encourage their involvement. <br />You describe the region as "The Triangle." What area specifically are you talking about? <br />At the moment, the words "The Triangle" refer specifically to the three core counties of Durham, Orange, and <br />Wake. Our ultimate goal is to be inclusive of all counties and communities that make up The Triangle's Combined <br />Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). In fact, as the campaign matures and gains momentum, we expect broader <br />participation. <br />Who is heading the campaign? Who's in charge? <br />The campaign is the work of a steering committee, a core group that was assembled to put together and "test drive" <br />the campaign. Craig Jackson & Partners, Advertising has been responsible for creating the campaign. <br />a.. (. f-+ F~3 ~~~ a f %~~+ ~~{i ~~. t6- Y~~i~ ~ i3f3:"". D'a a.e E.1 ~~~:~, <br />:<. tea: .... <br />
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