Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:CFECB42F-OA19-4B88-9169-D7564C262320 <br /> and observances designated by the Board of Orange County Commissioners (see Table 1). <br /> The Contractor agrees to be responsible for and shall provide general supervision of all its <br /> employees working under this contract. <br /> The Contractor shall require that all its employees abide by the following rules: <br /> 1. They shall be of good integrity and character. <br /> 2. They shall not disturb any papers, boxes, or other items or materials except that in trash <br /> receptacles or designated areas for trash or unless such materials are properly identified <br /> as trash. <br /> 3. They shall report any property loss or damage to their supervisor immediately. The <br /> supervisor shall report such damage within 24 hours to the County in writing, specifying <br /> the location and extent of the damage and the circumstances surrounding the damage/. <br /> 4. They shall not open drawers, file cabinets, read work papers or use any telephone or use <br /> office equipment unless given specific approval by the designated County representative. <br /> 5. They shall not leave keys in doors or admit any one into the building or office who is not a <br /> designated employee of the Contractor. All doors which were locked upon entry will be <br /> immediately relocked. All exterior doors shall be locked and lights turned off at the end of <br /> the days cleaning. Keys shall not be duplicated and if additional keys are needed they <br /> shall be provided by Orange County. At the end of the contract period or when <br /> employees are terminated all keys are to be returned to the possession of Orange <br /> County. If all keys are not returned at the end of the contract period, the Contractor shall <br /> be responsible for rekeying any and all doors in the building identified by the County, at <br /> the Contractor's expense. The rekeying Contractor shall be approved by Orange County <br /> prior to rekeying. <br /> 6. They shall not remove any articles or materials from the premises, regardless of its value <br /> or regardless of any employee's or tenant's permission. This is to include the contents of <br /> any item found in trash containers or in or around the premises. Trash items are to be <br /> placed in dumpsters or trash cans designed for that purpose. Contractor must have a <br /> supervisor who will personally oversee all work performed at Solid Waste facilities. The <br /> assigned supervisor must have the authority to represent the Contractor in dealings with <br /> the County and shall be the County's primary contact with Contractor. <br /> 7. The Contractor shall maintain daily work logs containing names and hours of all persons <br /> performing the Custodial Services under the agreement between the Contractor and the <br /> County. This daily long shall be made available to County for review upon request. <br /> 8. The Contractor shall not allow its agents or employees to bring children and other <br /> persons who are not paid by Contractor for the performance of Custodial Services into <br /> County facilities during the time the Custodial Services are being performed or any other <br /> time after facility operating hours. <br /> 9. Contractor shall obtain County approval before using any subcontractors or <br /> subconsultant. <br /> F. Storage: The County will provide the Contractor with reasonable storage space for supplies and <br /> equipment. The County will also provide reasonable security to protect the Contractor from loss <br />