Orange County NC Website
Before the Doors Open: <br />Development Plan for the Central Orange Adult Day Xealth Center <br />Marketing <br />Develop bmcbwe/advMising/ourreazbplari <br />• Esablisb center xdtM1 appmpdate referral agencies <br />Po~mtiW Paruinpavte <br />• ldmtify and recmil appropriate participwts Gom cowty/IocabswW service agencies <br />Dutreazb to isolated seniors in commwity <br />• Develop ParmmsWpa wiOOlhev e%wcies for referrals <br />Feciliry <br />• Mcc[&c, zoning laws <br />• Solicit dovetiova(oa fumishivgs, ectiviry and mWical egvipmevt <br />• Configure and deaignc~fortable arW thnapcutic <evta space <br />• FaYabliaharecogWveble and visible name for the center <br />Pmgmm <br />Daoelnp pmg<am pnb~;e, misamn aYammrnr mW rndaem dgbra <br />Dear. Wlake/ssaeasmenvnbanWgr rma <br />• Erveure centemeets Wl cevificariov ¢iteriaazdetemdnM by s~aze <br />• Develop daily aztivity pmgrmn <br />• Develop appmpdaw menu fnrmeels <br />DeYertnive cmYV service area <br />• Develop volwteerprogem end recmit wlun[eese <br />• Raruit, lure and Hain staff <br />Pwdivg <br />• Determine mat of service forpmate pay <br />• ENablish s4divg scale payment plan <br />• Solicit fwdmg and support Gom fouvdatima, Public and pnva~e ager¢ies <br />• Prepare pretirnwary operations budge[for the day care pmgmm <br />Transppnadnn <br />• Determine cos46owdariesaM elFcient mores <br />Board of D'veccom <br />• Detemrine composition ofboerd <br />• Recmit membere <br />• Develop meetwB SChWWe <br />