Orange County NC Website
40 <br /> Yes, I'm reacting and responding. I care what happens to those in Northern Orange County <br /> as well as I care what happens to the decision-makers for Orange County. "Caring" doesn't <br /> fix the Planning Dept., but until we care, usually we don't even notice that something needs <br /> to be changed. I just want you to know that I know it needs fixing and the sooner the better. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Lib Hutchby <br /> Chapel Hill <br /> to ocboccgorangecount, <br /> On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 4:19 PM Andrea Riley<ateuteriley44&>wrote: <br /> Commissioners, <br /> If the Orange County Planning Department believes that the Public outreach meeting that <br /> was held on May 17, 2021 was enough to restore the public trust in the Planning Department <br /> it is sadly mistaken. The presentation seemed to be another attempt at face-saving after all of <br /> the department's repeated lies, obfuscations, misrepresentations,manipulations, and <br /> omissions about the Buckhorn Area Plan, a woefully inadequate plan that has recently been <br /> retroactively and disingenuously repackaged by the department as a"Study". <br /> The information presented at the Outreach Meeting misrepresented the sequence of events <br /> that took place regarding the presentation of this plan to the public; it glossed over the fact <br /> that there was no meaningful data in the plan regarding environmental, social, or traffic <br /> impacts on the area; it omitted the fact that there existed a previous understanding among the <br /> BOCC members that there would be no build out or development below (south of) West 10 <br /> Road; and it failed to invite a representative from the Mebane Planning Department to <br /> participate in the Q &A of the meeting, despite the fact that this plan is a joint plan of <br /> Mebane and Orange County. <br /> For a more accurate presentation about the Buckhorn Area Plan, see the podcast interview of <br /> Janine Zanin on WHUP at htWs:// Tune in around <br /> minute 24:33 to hear Janine explain what the BAP is and outline what the procedural and <br /> inherent problems are with this proposal. <br /> The directions for participation in the county's Outreach Meeting were vague and confusing <br /> to those of us who wanted to contribute. I, for one, could not figure out whether I had a <br /> choice between clicking on the "raise hand"button and the Q&A button, or whether I <br /> should use both, so I clicked on both. The result was that I was first in line and called on for <br /> the first question in my Q & A: this question was read aloud by the moderator; Craig <br /> Benedict gave a rambling and vague answer; and then the moderator moved on to the next <br /> person who had raised his hand. Neither my second or third question was read nor answered, <br /> nor did I have a chance to comment or have another chance to participate. (The Q &A <br /> option seemed to be blocked after the meeting started; my three questions are attached.) <br />