Orange County NC Website
25 <br /> From: Thomas Ten Evck <br /> To: T Walker; Buckhorn Studv;Joseph golden <br /> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL MAIL!] Fwd: Buckhorn Study <br /> Date: Thursday,May 20,2021 1:38:40 PM <br /> Attachments: <br /> Ms. Walker, <br /> Good afternoon. I wanted to get back to you after having talked with our Transportation <br /> Planner and be sure that I knew all of the facts regarding E. Washington St. and the extension <br /> to the east of Buckhorn Road. I also wanted to say thank you for participating in the meeting <br /> and for asking this question. <br /> I do not remember who may have mentioned the elimination of the E. Washington St. Ext., but <br /> there is no plan, project or study that proposes elimination to E. Washington St. or the extension <br /> to the east of Buckhorn Road. In any of the transportation projects that we have seen with <br /> regard to the at-grade crossing of the railroad at Buckhorn Road (the railroad is, generally, <br /> not a fan of at-grade crossings), E. Washington Street and the extension both remain in place <br /> and maintain their connection to Buckhorn Road. Additionally, I do not know of any developers <br /> or development conversations that have taken place in this area. <br /> While one of the purposes of the Buckhorn Area Study was to analyze and study the parcels to <br /> better understand what areas might be best-suited for future development, none of the results <br /> are a guarantee of action; we are still very early in the process. And our purpose in the public <br /> outreach meeting was to do exactly this—receive questions and provide clarification so that we <br /> can be sure that we are being up front with any processes moving forward. <br /> I also wanted to let you know that we will be including this question in our FAQ document that <br /> we share with the Board of County Commissioners as we elicit their guidance for what to do <br /> next. Thank you for your question, and I hope that what I've shared here is helpful. <br /> If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email me back. You can also send <br /> additional questions to BuckhornStud (as you did before), which will <br /> come directly to me and my supervisor, and we can help you from there. <br /> Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday, and thank you, again! <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Tom TE <br /> Tom Ten Eyck <br /> Transportation/Land Use Planner II <br /> Orange County Planning & Inspections Department <br /> 131 West Margaret Lane, Suite 201 <br /> Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />