Agenda - 06-01-2021; 6-a - Opioid Litigation Memorandum of Agreement
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Agenda - 06-01-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 06-01-2021; 6-a - Opioid Litigation Memorandum of Agreement
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5/27/2021 11:50:05 AM
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5/27/2021 11:33:13 AM
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Agenda for June 1, 2021 Board Meeting
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14 <br /> performance. The Local Government manager/administrator is the point of contact for <br /> questions that arise under this MOA. <br /> 5. Preservation of records. The Local Government must maintain, for a period of at least rive <br /> years, records of Opioid Settlement Fund expenditures and documents underlying those <br /> expenditures, so that it can be verified that funds are being or have been utilized in a manner <br /> consistent with the National Settlement Agreement, any Bankruptcy Resolutions, and this <br /> MOA. <br /> 6. Reporting. <br /> a. Annual financial report required. In order to ensure compliance with the opioid <br /> remediation provisions of the National Settlement Agreement, any Bankruptcy <br /> Resolutions, and this MOA, for every fiscal year in which a Local Government <br /> receives, holds, or spends Opioid Settlement Funds, the county or municipality <br /> must submit an annual financial report specifying the activities and amounts it has <br /> funded. <br /> b. Annual financial report timing and contents. The annual financial report shall be <br /> provided to the North Carolina Attorney General by emailing the report to <br />, within 90 days of the last day of the state fiscal year <br /> covered by the report. Each annual financial report must include the information <br /> described on Exhibit E. <br /> C. Reporting to statewide opioid settlement dashboard. Each Local Government must <br /> provide the following information to the statewide opioid settlement dashboard <br /> within the stated timeframes: <br /> i. The budget or resolution authorizing the expenditure of a stated amount of <br /> Opioid Settlement Funds for a specific purpose or purposes during a <br /> specified period of time as described in Section E.6.b above (within 90 <br /> days of the passage of any such budget or resolution); <br /> ii. If the Local Government is using Option B, the report(s) and non-binding <br /> recommendations from collaborative strategic planning described in <br /> Section E.S.b.ii above and Exhibit C (right hand column) (within 90 days <br /> of the date the report and recommendations are submitted to the local <br /> governing body for consideration); <br /> iii. The annual financial reports described in Section F.6.a and Exhibit E <br /> (within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year covered by the report); and <br /> iv. The impact information described in Exhibit F (within 90 days of the end <br /> of the fiscal year covered by the report). <br /> The State will create an online portal with instructions for Local Governments to <br /> report or upload each of these four items by electronic means. <br /> 10 <br />
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