Orange County NC Website
<br />Public Comment – Verbal <br />(for Items not on the Agenda, Agenda Items and Public Hearings) <br /> <br />Members of the public will be asked to contact the Clerk to the Board using the email address <br /> no later than 3:00 PM on the day of the meeting and indicate <br />they wish to speak during the meeting. <br /> <br />When submitting the request to speak, include the following: <br /> The date of the meeting <br /> The agenda item (example: 6-a) you wish to speak on <br /> Your name, address, email and phone number <br /> The phone number must be the number you plan to call in from if participating by phone <br />Prior to the meeting, speakers will be emailed a participant link to be able to make comments during <br />the live meeting. Speakers may use a computer (with camera and/or microphone) or phone to make <br />comments. Speakers using the phone for comments must use the provided PIN/Password number. <br /> <br />The public speaker’s audio and video will be muted until the BOCC gets to the respective agenda <br />item(s). Individuals who have pre-registered will then be brought into the public portion of the <br />meeting one at a time. <br />