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12 <br /> The Board received information about the findings and recommendations of the <br /> Crisis/Diversion Facility Subcommittee of the Orange County Behavioral Health Task Force. In <br /> addition, the Behavioral Health Task Force is seeking feedback from the Board and initial <br /> support to move forward with detailed design and implementation planning. The first <br /> recommended action step is funding for contracting with a project design consultant to conduct <br /> detailed planning including design of Facility space, staffing, and licensing. Implementation <br /> planning would also include governance, policies and procedures, and cost estimates, budget <br /> sources, and funding needs. <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> In April 2019, over thirty community stakeholders from the criminal justice system, healthcare, <br /> behavioral health system, and housing came together to participate in the Orange County <br /> Sequential Intercept Mapping (SIM) Workshop facilitated by the North Carolina Department of <br /> Health and Human Services. The SIM process is designed to inform and address community- <br /> based responses to the involvement of individuals with behavioral health issues and intercepts <br /> with the criminal justice system. An intercept map and Final Report were created (SIM Final <br /> Report) and one of the identified community gaps that emerged from this process was the <br /> critical need for a Crisis/Diversion facility that would support diverting individuals in behavioral <br /> health crisis from the criminal justice system and the Emergency Departments at UNC <br /> Hospitals. <br /> The Behavioral Health Task Force (BHTF), co-chaired by Barbara-Ann Bybel, Director of <br /> Inpatient Psychiatry Services at UNC Hospitals, and Caitlin Fenhagen, CJRD Director, formed <br /> in 2019 to address the behavioral health intercept gaps identified in Orange County. The <br /> mission of the BHTF is to improve outcomes for individuals with behavioral health disorders <br /> through partnerships across justice, law enforcement, mental health, homelessness and <br /> substance use service systems. Later in 2019, the Crisis/Diversion Facility Subcommittee was <br /> formed and tasked with bringing forth recommendations and a plan for a dedicated Facility. <br /> This Facility will offer behavioral health crisis services and allow for law enforcement and <br /> hospital ED diversion. The Subcommittee, under Tony Marimpietri's leadership, has met <br /> diligently and frequently over the last two years to address this high priority need. This process <br /> has included a lengthy literature review of best-practices and elements for a crisis/diversion <br /> facility, studying existing state and national crisis/diversion facilities, seeking input from critical <br /> local stakeholders, looking at use case scenarios, examining available data and determining the <br /> appropriate scope and function for an Orange County Facility. <br /> This presentation will share the detailed findings and recommendations of the Subcommittee's <br /> work. An overview of these findings and recommendations has previously been shared with the <br /> Behavioral Health Task Force, the Justice Advisory Council and Orange County's law <br /> enforcement leaders. These presentations have been met with broad support and interest. It is <br /> the Behavioral Health Task Force's strong belief that the proposed Facility, and its evidence- <br /> based, holistic, trauma-informed policies and practices will lead to necessary enhancements in <br /> Orange County crisis system capabilities, will increase diversion and deflection from the <br /> criminal justice system and will improve healthy and safe outcomes for residents of Orange <br /> County. <br /> Caitlin Fenhagen, Criminal Justice Resource Director, introduced the item. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin rejoined the meeting at 9:40 p.m. <br />