Orange County NC Website
odober 1s, 2001 <br />Greetings: <br />Re: Elizabeth Neville-Property Tae Retie/ <br />My name is Linda Neville Chalmers. I am the tlaugh[er of Elizabeth 5wit Neville <br />and I also have "Power of Attorney for her. My mother is a witlower antl is 76 years <br />old with a severe rase of osteoporosis. Aker almost fi0 years of manage my father <br />passetl away, one year ago August 26, 2000 from Alzheimer. <br />The reason I am just now contacting you is because I was looking at the back of my <br />mother's tax notlcetl antl lust realizetl that she coultl get a "Property Tax Relief For <br />Elderly or Permanently Disabletl'. Since my fatheYS passing it has been extremely <br />financially dAficult for my mrnher, rwf to mention her health decline. BoM my parents <br />are illiterate antl I have been helping with mail and paying hills far them far years. <br />This one slipped by me. I realized that your tleatlline was April 15", but I would like <br />for you to please just consider this an excepfim fc your roles, emergency case. My <br />mom's income is just $8,654.00 a year, and nothing else; no stocks, bonds or <br />interest from anything, just Social Security. I help oN as much as I can financially, <br />but I do have a family as well. <br />Please give this case careNl cronsitleration <br />Very sincerely, <br />~k~,.a <br />Linda Neville Chalmers <br />2404 Mt. Sinai Road <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />(919) 531-7010 ~ work <br />(919)968-8560-home <br />