ORD-2021-015-Amendment to the Code of Ordinances – Minimum Housing Standards Ordinance
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2020-2029
ORD-2021-015-Amendment to the Code of Ordinances – Minimum Housing Standards Ordinance
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Last modified
5/20/2021 9:38:27 AM
Creation date
5/20/2021 9:35:32 AM
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 05-18-2021; 5-a - Amendment to the Code of Ordinances – Minimum Housing Standards Ordinance
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2021\Agenda - 05-18-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
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fails to comply with an order of the Board of Adjustment following an appeal , shall be guilt-ef a <br /> m, demeRein violation of this Ordinance . Each day that any such failure to comply with such order <br /> continues shall constitute a separate and distinct effenseviolation . <br /> ( b ) If the owner of any dwelling or dwelling unit fails to comply with an order issued by the Public Officer <br /> pursuant to subsection 20 -45 ( b) of this Ordinance from which no appeal has been taken , or fails to <br /> comply with an order of the Board of Adjustment following an appeal , then the Public Officer may <br /> cause such dwelling or dwelling unit to be vacated and closed ; and may cause to be posted on the <br /> main entrance of any dwelling so closed , a placard with the following words : "This building is unfit for <br /> human habitation . The use or occupancy of this building for human habitation is prohibited and <br /> unlawful . " If a person removes a notice that has been affixed to a dwelling or dwelling unit by the Public <br /> Officer, that person is a4nisdemeaReFin violation of this ordinance . <br /> I <br /> (c) Occupancy of dwelling or dwelling unit posted or placarded as provided in subsection 2048 (b) of this <br /> Ordinance shall constitute a misde iolation . Each day that such occupancy continues after <br /> such posting or placarding shall constitute a separate and distinct effenseviolation . <br /> ( d ) Whenever a violation ' occurs , <br /> the Public Officer, either in addition to or in lieu of other remedies , may initiate any appropriate action <br /> or proceeding to prevent , restrain , correct , or abate the violation or prevent the occupancy of the <br /> building involved . In addition to all other enforcement options provided herein , the Public Officer may <br /> issue a warning or citation as follows : <br /> ( 1 ) A warning may be issued by the Public Officer, his designee , or Inspector, without fine when he or <br /> she is of the opinion that a violation of this chapter may be remedied without the necessity of <br /> prosecution ; however, a warning may not be issued in cases where public health and/or safety are <br /> endangered ; <br /> (2 ) Enforcement personnel are hereby empowered to issue civil citations to any person (s ) if there is <br /> probable cause to believe that such person (s ) caused or is responsible for a violation of the minimum <br /> standards and responsibilities found in Sections 20 -33 through 20 -42 . Enforcement personnel are <br /> authorized to assess penalties and seek civil relief as noted herein . Citations so issued may be served <br /> in person on the violator by the Public Officer, designee , or Inspector. If such a person cannot readily <br /> be found or if reasonable attempts have been made to effect service of the written citation upon the <br /> responsible person (s ) by delivery or mail and those attempts have been unsuccessful , then a citation <br /> may be provided by posting the citation upon the dwelling in which the violator resides in a conspicuous <br /> place for a period of not less than 14 days . Any citation so served shall direct the violator to make a <br /> payment of the penalty provided therein to Orange County on or before a specific day and hour named <br /> in the citation and to present evidence of the remedyo of any violation of this chapter . <br /> ( i ) Citations may be appealed to the Public Officer within ten ( 10 ) days of receipt of the citation . <br /> Such appeal shall be in writing, <br /> ( ii ) The Public Officer shall render a decision on the appeal within ten ( 10 ) days . Any person <br /> aggrieved by the decision may appeal the decision pursuant to Section 2046 . <br /> (e) Neither this Ordinance nor any of its provisions shall be construed to impair or limit in any way the <br /> power of the County to define and declare nuisances and to cause their abatement by summary action <br /> or otherwise , <br /> Statutes § 14 _ ^ and the enforcement of any remedy provided herein shall not prevent the enforcement <br /> of any other remedy or remedies provided herein or in any other ordinances or laws . <br /> (f) It shall be a violation of this Ordinance to prevent the Public Officer or Inspectors authorization to enter , <br /> examine , and survey at all reasonable times all buildings , dwellings , dwelling units , rooming units , and <br /> premises under Section 20 -44 of this Ordinance . Each such incident shall constitute a separate and <br /> distinct violation . <br />
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