Orange County NC Website
34 <br /> 05-05-2021 Town Council Meeting <br /> Responses to Council Questions <br /> If there is more the Council would like to see regarding specific initiatives or actions as they <br /> relate to racial equity, staff can share these interests with the Project Management Team, as <br /> well. <br /> Council Question: <br /> On page 252, why are there no programs to address vaccine hesitancy?Also, it would seem <br /> appropriate to evaluate the performance of the OC Health Dept. (as well as other OC <br /> departments) to see if there are lessons to be learned. <br /> Staff Response: <br /> In terms of project timing, the draft plan was released before vaccines were widely available to <br /> the general public and so vaccine hesitancy wasn't the issue it is today. This helps reinforce the <br /> point that the document is also intended to be dynamic as we move forward. <br /> As a point of connection, on pages 48-50, under Health and Strategy 3.1: Continue monitoring, <br /> testing, and eradicating COVID-19, the plan outlines: <br /> • A key performance indicator(KPI)for the number of fully administered vaccinations <br /> and a target to increase the baseline count <br /> • Initiative 3.1.1: Continue to provide equitable and accessible testing and vaccines for <br /> COVID-19 for free or minimal cost, includes a variety of outreach and distribution <br /> tactics for vaccinations <br /> Unless the Council has other specific interests, staff will plan to share the question and comment <br /> above with the Project Management Team (PMT) to see what other options there are for <br /> specifically addressing vaccine hesitancy and broadening performance evaluation. <br /> Council Question: <br /> On page 256 it would seem appropriate to address improving collaboration between <br /> jurisdictions in OC. <br /> Staff Response: <br /> The team structure and design of the implementation process are intended to reinforce the <br /> importance of collaboration between jurisdictions in Orange County. Specifically, in addition to <br /> key stakeholders from different local sectors and organizations, the seven recovery working <br /> groups will include public staff from each of the participating local governments. <br /> Regarding the strategies and initiatives listed on page 256 of the Council packet, <br /> intergovernmental collaboration will be essential. For this reason, in many cases multiple local <br /> governments will be directly responsible for coordinating each of the initiatives (e.g., Initiative <br /> 7.1.1: Coordinating Organizations: Local Government Public Information Officers). <br /> Prepared by the Town of Chapel Hill <br /> 0510412021 <br />