Orange County NC Website
32 <br /> 05-05-2021 Town Council Meeting <br /> Responses to Council Questions <br /> • Analyze current transportation system throughout the region, county, and <br /> municipalities to identify areas of duplication, and to identify geographic gaps in <br /> transportation services. <br /> • Establish a committee or workgroup between coordinating organizations and <br /> partners to conduct a cost estimate, and begin identifying funding sources <br /> (federal, state, and local) that could be used to accomplish transportation goals. <br /> • Evaluate areas of the plan that could be aligned with Climate Action Planning <br /> occurring in the county. <br /> Years 1+ <br /> • Acquire and solidify funding sources to accomplish transportation expansion and <br /> to accomplish the centralization of transportation systems across the county. <br /> • Conduct a thorough analysis of the impact of implemented changes to the <br /> socioeconomic atmosphere in Orange County and the budgetary savings incurred <br /> due to the streamlining of public transportation services. <br /> • Market the initiative to the public to keep them informed of the plan's goals and <br /> progress. <br /> • Continue to seek additional funding for ongoing improvements to transportation <br /> systems." <br /> If there is more the Council would like to see regarding specific initiatives as they relate to public <br /> transit, staff can share these specific interests with the Project Management Team, as well. <br /> Council Question: <br /> The consultant has a slide dedicated to racial equity. Where is the racial equity lens in the <br /> recommendations?There is no mention of minority businesses specifically or how they will be <br /> supported in the plan. <br /> Council Question: <br /> Although the introductory material talks about racial equity, I do not see it reflected in any of <br /> the strategies and initiatives. For example, on page 250 (economic strategies) there is nothing <br /> about assisting minority owned small businesses, which tend to be disproportionately impacted <br /> by something like COVID-19? <br /> Staff Response: <br /> Under the Equitable Community Engagement section (pp. 8-9), the plan notes that "deliberate <br /> attention [was]paid to elevating the concerns and needs of communities of color that have <br /> been disproportionately harmed by the pandemic." This work included a series of meetings with <br /> Prepared by the Town of Chapel Hill <br /> 0510412021 <br />