Orange County NC Website
30 <br /> 05-05-2021 Town Council Meeting <br /> Responses to Council Questions <br /> ITEM #13: Receive the Draft Long-Term Recovery and Transformation Plan <br /> Council Question: <br /> What would endorsement of the Long-Term Recovery and Transformation Plan entail in terms <br /> of the Town's commitments, financial or otherwise? <br /> Staff Response: <br /> An endorsement by the Town Council would represent support for moving forward with the final <br /> version of the plan, relying largely on existing Town programs, projects, partnerships, and <br /> funding commitments. An endorsement would also represent a willingness to consider future <br /> action and funding proposals (e.g., American Jobs Plan') that could help to address gaps or <br /> enhancements using existing Town activities that align with the goals, strategies, and initiatives <br /> within the recovery plan. <br /> Council Question: <br /> Can you provide some data (demographics of people, locations/mediums of meetings, number <br /> of meetings, ideas/feedback raised at such meetings, etc) on the plan review surveys and <br /> meetings? <br /> Staff Response: <br /> Starting on page 126 of the plan, Appendix 8:Stakeholder Engagement Summary includes <br /> information about the purpose, method and key takeaways from major engagement activities <br /> that took place between August 2020 and February 2021. The resources sections of the project <br /> website includes information about different outreach and communication efforts related to the <br /> plan. Demographics and other data appear within several of the reports listed below: <br /> • Impact Assessment: Key Findings' <br /> • Impact Assessment <br /> • Community Values Survey8 <br /> We will share the question above with the Project Management Team (PMT) to see what other <br /> data are available related to public input and engagement. <br /> a <br /> s <br /> 6 <br /> <br /> s <br /> Prepared by the Town of Chapel Hill <br /> 0510412021 <br />