Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> The survey's costs are summarized in two reports. "Cost Summary 0-5 Years"totals $362.7 million, <br /> and"Cost Summary 6-10 Years"totals $9.1 million, representing a ten-year cost of$371.8 million. <br /> Cost Summary Reports varied widely from the costs in the CIP and Facilities Assessment, <br /> reflecting the difference between costs as calculated by the state and in the Facilities Assessment. <br /> Costs as tabulated in the Facilities Assessment were added to the reports as notes, but are not <br /> included in the final reports. <br /> This ten-year cost can be broken down as follows: Seven oldest schools: $ 331.1 million, Seven <br /> other district schools: $ 31.6 million. Middle School # 5 was not included in the report because the <br /> need is not projected by Orange County SAPFO during the next ten years. <br /> The process to file the State survey includes approval by the Board of Education, co-signed by the <br /> Chair of the Orange County Commissioners. The County Manger is aware that the report will be <br /> sent and that it must be returned to the State DPI office. <br /> This report does not reflect the new Deferred Maintenance capital improvement allocation by the <br /> Board of County Commissioners for$]7,997,000. Projects completed using the above <br /> supplemental funding will be reflected in the 2025 DPI Facility Needs Survey. <br /> 2 <br />