Orange County NC Website
draft ffiIS- clean <br />09-OS-1001 <br />AN OBDINAVC@B&CULAiR1G RLCYCLAbL&M4'pERiAL9 AND LICENSllYG'1'H& <br />COLIEC'11ON OF REGDIATEDNECYCLABLE MATE2IALIN ORANGE COLNTY <br />SCCTIO!V 1. FIbDg\GB. Osmge Connry~Nmth Camliva duce hereby findtltei. <br />UmSC County }ws herem(O~e adopnd ordinmcea govemh~g the etorege; ¢mspOrcatiw, <br />atW mcycling of solid was[e wiNW fM wtipcotpmated aecdm[s oCCOUnry; and <br />Orange Coonry owns and opeaNS eblid warm mmagemevf @cJidce ae v public <br />mteryrim m prokd the uI¢ms of Ormge Cowry and U.p environmental heats bolt wlttdv the <br />wmuommated aeas of the Cowry and within the municipatinea in Oraryc County; and <br />Orange Cowry, Chapel EB11, Canboro, H111shmough, and Mebare have heretofore <br />adop4tl and followW smazak ordinances fm fhp regulation of solid wanes within they <br />roapmtlaeryriedipdme; and <br />Siting and pmWnwg of cwsnvcnon end demolidm Imdfills and smilary Imdfills Iran <br />bwome imreosingly&fBCWp Nc dlspWVl of solid waste and pofuWCSiw and demolition was¢ <br />hasba ringlymo expm x; and eoemWCtlon and demolirim warm condnuce mbe <br />deposal of WougM1 rrym b~rzni~, adding to the rearing av pollution problmt wi[Fin the <br />County; and <br />[Inlet o[loeal govemmevt ea charged by IM Iagielabrrein YOC.B. $ 130A-309.09A(b) <br />to lake a Rood faint effort b aclileve the 81a1e's forty percrnt (40°h) mmdcipW solid vmsk <br />redmtiw goal by [M1e yem20ofi; and <br />Orange County has cmnmilled i6elf b recydin5 tecyc'lable ma[erialf, itwlYtlin5 <br />mstrucGm vM damoliliw wvam, as part of ifs Owo solid warm tednmim goal oC fi1% by the <br />year 2006; and <br />Conswrum and demolinou rvsare conatinnu appmxivaklY ovo-Mhd (IG) of the <br />vanu solidwas¢so-eam delivctcd to fie Orsye Cowry Landfill, at levrt58em purvme (t5%) <br />O[ which is rcaNly ran amble rm p~¢poscs Oi recydur& secondary-market ulwga, or re <br />w[egation into exifing Or subscquw[projaq end <br />Oange Cnwty has the legal euthonry~mder SW[e law, imluding bet not lirtdkd m <br />N.GG.B. ¢ 153A-136, ¢ 153A-049, and 4 13oA 309L9B, to adct rcguleflens with respect m the <br />disposal bf scud waste NdnAvg reoyolable tpalmkp Imdaleanng debar that Is not sold az <br />timbermcbippeJ for oruimmaek,mdto providereasowblc penalties and other prona~Ons <br />fm fhe enf emen[Nuereof, <br />VOW TBEALFORE be i[ ardWnedby Orange Couory as tollowa: <br />SBCTIOV Il. pLRI'OSB AND AY1ti.iCATIO3. <br />The pn@oee of this mdirenoe is ro ngulete the slmage> cOllectiim, trmspmlztion, use <br />dispoal end other disposition nfregWafed recyclable me[enal in 0m~gv COOVry. ibis oMinmce <br />u ednpatl Pmauant m ~ authority coninined in N.GQ& fr 1514-121-134.1,-1I6, -294 tNOUgh <br />-2Jg, and -291 tMnugb-293, and -^OAd09.09, -309,09A, d09.O9B, md -309,09D. DWesa <br />oMervnee inaiwted, fhla OMlvenoe psfeiva W all solid wasmacdv~ry in Onq,e Ceunry. <br />