Orange County NC Website
drafd#15-cle¢n <br />09-OS-2001 <br />2. Appliatlore fw en 1N5licenae shall be Lled wiN the DeparMent on Emma fiunished by <br />Omvge Cowry. All aPPlicatlovs nmat be eaompaWedby a procecei~ Ge o[g25.tltl for eaeM1 <br />vehicle tlut veal copal rcgWemd rayWable rretmd.. The epPllew[ shall fiwish Ne <br />fallow We Wfovwtiav. <br />A Nameavd adNess of the aPPlicarrt and the epplicwt's busivese name <br />B. el list of fhe equipment pm seed, available, r v[hwnse [o be uud M1y th! vppGcent in <br />reguIDreB recycl abl a matennlceolleenoq meludmg mo W r veh{olu licmae pg nvmber5 <br />G. Liebliry ins uagc, proved by providing the Depertmmt, at Nc time Nat Ne <br />live is applied finea cutificarc of msvuvice ahowwg wtaage N effect at tM1e eme of <br />application; <br />D. Name cad location of tamhliee what cufieucd regulated recyclable matWels are ro be <br />tlelivaetl. <br />1. Before uing a licrose purtuant ro [M1is satiary the llepvrnnmt maY in Fret ur wuae W be <br />{nspacedaWl fmiliHes evd mmpmwl Ne applicant phma m use N Ua regulated meyolabla <br />mnun'W collecdov business. Vehicles and ennemers used in the wueuipv cad trasupnrtanon <br />otreguletad reayeleble mafaial shall be eevercd, Bumble, evd easily clewed. TFCy shall be <br />elemed as oRev as essary to Prevrnt a nuiavtt evd isuect Needing and shall be <br />maivMned N gooa repah. Vddcles ilull WFlay. W nw~bers at leas[ tlvee (3) iMhes k~, <br />Ne wwty tierns<mm~ber of Ne haenaee ana me reerec sticker iaanea br me safe was <br />Menagemrnt 0.partmw[. <br />c. Iesumceofllcwee. <br />A. TM1e Depar(mmt may Isuie We epphaW a AM license wly whm it is fowd Nm tM1e <br />eppliewl'n ®e{Adw, egWPmwt, uuwmw wvaage end ProPOSCd opuaW~g meNods ace <br />nmplience wirF this mdWww and Ne appl¢eble roles of Ne Deportment whicF <br />lmplemml Nis mr)mance and that w covsisrent wiN i[ evd that Ne applicart will <br />perfom regWeRd recycleblc material mllectiw wtl tlisposal in nwv![eonsisten[wi[h <br />dos ordhtwod.4 ewdltlov o[Ne lAl liernse shell be Nat IM1C I cwsa shall serve every <br />pasov iv euoh a manna Na! [M1C ItM licuuce fires nut cause the pavm urval tv be iv <br />viulalinn of WS wNnance. <br />B. if Ne 1[M lice epplioa[ion dots sat map IM require sots v£ this mdlname, [ha <br />vutifiwtiov of dwul shall sure the rcaxm~s rhat Ne eppliadw was denied. U the <br />Deparmrw[ de~tiee a RM licevse, Nc applicwt rosy requnt n M1eerin6 with [h< <br />Depmhnwt Dhector. The Depvhnrnt Dircebr shall keep mnutes of Ne hcmWy <br />neludin6 all docamwta that are pan of Ne appliea[iw cad all dwumen¢ submitted at <br />the hearlag. WidW~ we wed a9a the hearivg Ne ihpertment Dimtor dull ®ve Ilu <br />applicnt svritlen votive vfNe decivien crther 19en[wg [he ticmae ar ali 'ng [fie dmial <br />of (he Hnwav. "fhe apphwnt may appal Ne rXpanmmt nssampi 5 amleiw w Nc <br />Orwge Cvunry Manager by giving wriXev w[ice of appal Iv the Cawty Mmueer <br />wiWn five (5) working days of reuipt of lM1e Deparimm[ Dirmm2s daeisima TM1c <br />MawHa` shall reverse aMrm or remwd the dmisiw of [M Dapartmv t Direcmr to tM1e <br />Ueptvtment Di tvr based w Ibc minutes of 0e hearing, including ell documwis that <br />are part of du minutes. if tM1C daisies of the Oravge Cow[ Masuger is ro reverse the <br />decisive nlthe Deparlmwt Dueemr, the licrnse is deemed issued. If [M1C @avgc Cowry <br />Mwaga remvvds to Nc Ucparlmwt Director, the remand dec{siw sM1ell dlreet the <br />matters to be aecwsidurd hydro Deporhnrnti7irectdr on remand. <br />C. Alicense shell he vend fora pcnud u[une year fiom Ne date of issuance. <br />