2021-182-E Finance-Center for Community Self-Help outside agency agreement
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2021-182-E Finance-Center for Community Self-Help outside agency agreement
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Last modified
5/12/2021 11:04:36 AM
Creation date
5/12/2021 11:03:00 AM
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DocuSign Envelope ID:480516C3-5BA1-4964-B7C5-9AA440382DBF <br /> AGENCY INFORMATION <br /> Please provide the following information about your agency: <br /> 1. Date of Incorporation (Month/Year):02 198❑ <br /> 2. Agency's Purpose/Mission (no more than a few sentences): Our mission is creating and protecting <br /> ownership and economic opportunity for all. We do this by providing responsible financial services, <br /> lending to small businesses and nonprofits, developing real estate and promoting fair financial practices. <br /> While our work benefits communities of all kinds, our focus is on those who may be underserved by <br /> of rnlnr, I--, r-rol ci4nnc nl I—A uo <br /> convon+innal lenders, including ncnnlo I—, uuI.0 1eal+h fomilic'c onrl <br /> communities. <br /> 3. Please provide a brief description of your organization's past achievements in carrying out similar <br /> projects and evidence of successful record of meeting proposed budgets and timetables (no more than <br /> 1nn.. . 4,1 Ir+h., 100(lc Cr,lf U-1- h.,rt-,- h..;I.J;-- - 4 rr.h-ahhi.,rt 1—me,+r. n otc -affr rrlohlr. h., cinrt <br /> 1VV VVVIUJp III Ulc 1JJVJ, .�cn-i icip� Vc6aii uununib uiiu iciiuvvn15 iiviiic.� w NrV111V La_ uiivi uu— 11-1116 <br /> and support low-income families. We have worked in Durham, Greensboro, Charlotte, and, most <br /> recently, Chapel Hill-Carrboro,focusing on infill housing and rehabs, and working closely with <br /> communities to achieve shared visions. We have developed 228 single-family homes and 73 units of <br /> multi-family housing and partnered with nonprofit and for-profit housing developers by coordinating land <br /> acquisition and neighborhood planning through land banking.The homes Self-Help produces as a <br /> developer and land bank coordinator ensure long-term impact by including deed restrictions that <br /> maintain long-term affordability. <br /> 4. Living Wage: Does this agency pay permanent employees a minimum living wage? (Yes/No) Yes <br /> If yes, is this agency an Orange County Living Wage Certified Employer? No <br /> If no, please briefly explain. Self-Help's offices are in Durham County, and the organization has been <br /> certified as a Durham Living Wage Employer by the Durham Living Wage Project. <br /> Schedule of Positions: #of FTF—Full-Time Pain Positons: 692 #of FTF—Part-Time Paid Positions:46 <br /> PROGRAM INFORMATION <br /> *Please submit for each program if applying for funding for more than one program. <br /> 5. Program Name:Northside Neighborhood Initiative <br /> Program Primary Contact and Title:Graham Smokoski, Project Manager <br /> Telephone Number: 919 956-4614 <br /> 6. Please briefly describe the proposed program, including an explanation of how it aligns with the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill and Carrboro's Results Framework, and Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, and the target <br /> population to benefit from the program. (100 words or less) <br />
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