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DocuSign Envelope ID:B749018F-351A-4D6F-9FC5-C2EB21856524 <br /> Consolidated Agreement FY22 Page 6 of 27 <br /> b) Ensure qualified personnel to process, analyze and report test results; <br /> c) Ensure that the SLPH maintains CLIA certification; <br /> d) Submit invoices to the LHDs via electronic means; <br /> e) Collect interest(per NCGS § 147-86.23 Interest and penalties) and a l 0% late fee as <br /> appropriate; and <br /> f) Provide a qualified Laboratory Director and a Technical Consultant for LHDs' laboratories <br /> participating in the North Carolina SLPH CLIA Contract Program. Services provided by the <br /> oversight of this personnel include training and continuing education, CLIA inspection <br /> assistance, proficiency testing and enrollment, competency assessment, and models for <br /> laboratory forms, procedures and policies. <br /> 3. DPH will provide support and training for the LHD to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, <br /> and standards relating to the activities covered in this Agreement. <br /> 4. DPH shall conduct reviews, audits, and program monitoring to determine compliance with the terms <br /> of this Agreement and its associated Agreement Addenda. <br /> c. Data/Reporting <br /> 1. DPH shall provide the following automated data and surveillance systems to collect DPH program- <br /> related data from client, service, encounter and other data on behalf of the LHDs and other public <br /> health programs. DPH shall provide business and technical support to the users of these systems. <br /> DPH shall notify LHDs as opportunities and/or timelines for improved or emerging technology <br /> systems occur. <br /> a) LHD-Health Services Analysis: for automated reporting of clinical service data fields. <br /> b) Environmental Health Inspection Data System (EHIDS) (formerly NC BETS): for Food and <br /> Lodging inspection and billing data <br /> c) Electronic surveys for gathering statewide data for external funders, as required <br /> d) Aid-to-Counties System for reporting all local expenditures and claiming State funds <br /> e) North Carolina Health Alert Network(HAN) <br /> f) North Carolina Electronic Disease Surveillance System(NCEDSS) <br /> g) North Carolina Immunization Registry(NCIR) <br /> h) Electronic Birth Registration System (EBRS) <br /> i) COVID-19 Community Team Outreach Tool (CCTO) <br /> j) COVID-19 Vaccine Management System(CVMS) <br /> k) North Carolina Database Application for Vital Events (NC DAVE) for Electronic Death <br /> Registration <br /> Other automated data and surveillance systems may be added as they are developed. <br /> 2. DPH shall be responsible in its use of data received and reviewed in its various roles as a public <br /> health authority, health oversight agency, and business associate. Protected health information <br /> received by DPH in its capacity as a covered entity or business associate shall be protected as <br /> required by HIPAA (see Attachment B: Business Associate Addendum to this Consolidated <br /> Agreement). <br />