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DocuSign Envelope ID:B749018F-351A-4D6F-9FC5-C2EB21856524 <br /> Consolidated Agreement FY22 Page 4 of 27 <br /> 7. LHDs shall be responsible to report all privacy and security breaches that may affect DPH data and <br /> surveillance systems to DPH as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours from discovery of the breach. <br /> This may include but is not limited to Ransomware attacks, malicious code execution, or network <br /> breaches. LHDs access to DPH data and surveillance systems may be limited or turned off until proof of <br /> remediation is supplied by the LHD. <br /> c. Assessments and Plans <br /> 1. The LHD shall provide to the Director of Community Health Assessment, State Center for Health <br /> Statistics or designee: <br /> a) A comprehensive community health assessment (CHA) at least every four years, for each <br /> county or health district. The CHA shall be a collaborative effort with local partners inclusive <br /> of hospitals,businesses, community partners, and the local community health coalitions and <br /> shall include the collection and analysis of primary data at the county and district level (if <br /> such exists), secondary data from the State Center for Health Statistics (SCHS) and other <br /> sources, and an assessment and analysis of community resources. The CHA shall identify a <br /> list of community health problems based on the assessment. Each identified problem shall be <br /> prioritized and described in the narrative. The CHA will include data analysis of those <br /> indicators listed in the Accreditation Self-Assessment Inventory, Benchmark 1, Activity 1.1. <br /> The CHA is due on the first Monday in March following the year of assessment. Community <br /> Health Improvement Plans (CHIPS), which shall be submitted no later than six months after <br /> the completion of the comprehensive community health assessment(CHA). CHIPs are due <br /> by the first Monday in September following the year of assessment. <br /> 1) The CHIP shall address a minimum of two priorities identified in the most recent <br /> community health assessment. <br /> 2) The CHIP shall be data driven and use results-based accountability to focus on both <br /> population and program accountability. Specifically, results, indicators, programs, <br /> and performance measures must be included. <br /> 3) The CHIP shall be aligned with the Healthy North Carolina 2030 indicators and use <br /> best evidence interventions targeting health behaviors, the physical environment, <br /> social and economic factors, and/or clinical care. <br /> 4) The CHIP shall be updated at least annually and monitor performance. <br /> 5) CHIPs can persist across CHA-CHIP cycles when: <br /> a. the health problem persists and continues to be a priority; <br /> b. new interventions are needed; and/or <br /> c. the interventions need to be expanded to a new target population. <br /> 6) The LHD shall use the web-based software Clear Impact Scorecard for submitting the <br /> CHIP for approval. <br /> a. The LHD shall provide a state of the county or district health report (SOTCH) <br /> during each interim year between community assessments. The SOTCH is due <br /> by the first Monday in March in years when a CHA is not submitted. <br /> 1. The LHD shall use Clear Impact Scorecard for the SOTCH. <br /> 2. The SOTCH shall include progress made on each performance <br /> measure in the CHIP. <br /> b) The LHD shall make a written request for any variances in submission of CHAs, CHIPs, and <br /> SOTCH documents in advance of the required date of submission. Emails may be sent to the <br /> Director, Community Health Assessment, State Center for Health Statistics at <br /> <br /> c) Refer to guidance: <br />