Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> Page 2 of 2 Lily Farel <br /> I grew up in Chapel Hill, and both of my parents taught at UNC. I left home for college in 1998 <br /> and lived out-of-state until 2017, when I moved back to Chapel Hill with my husband and <br /> daughter. Twenty years spent living in cities both smaller and larger than Chapel Hill has given <br /> me a broad perspective on the challenges that every municipality faces and on the ways in <br /> which Chapel Hill is special. I recall my childhood in Chapel Hill fondly, and returning home has <br /> cast those memories in a new light, as I have been reintroduced to the town as an adult, <br /> homeowner, citizen, and mother of a child who will attend the same public schools that I did. <br /> Conflict of Interest: <br /> Boards/Commissions appointments: <br /> Other Comments: <br /> This application was current on: 2/24/2021 11:31:51 AM Date Printed: 2/24/2021 <br />