Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> Page 2 of 2 Christina Hilliard <br /> I recognize that it is everyone s responsibility to assist Orange County government in providing <br /> services to citizens throughout Orange County. I am not working outside the home currently and <br /> would like the opportunity to volunteer and assist in services and areas I have been well trained <br /> in providing. I welcome an opportunity to serve Orange County. I have been blessed beyond <br /> measure in life with a loving and supportive family as well as good opportunities to advance my <br /> education. I would like to give back to my community in a way that is important and meaningful. <br /> Contribution to the diversity of viewpoints on this board: <br /> I have worked with many different people throughout my lifetime and cannot say there is any one <br /> person with whom I cannot connect or identify with through some small avenue. I like to chew <br /> on information to process it from a variety of angles recognizing that nothing is black and white. <br /> There are important considerations and consequences in every decision. I am also a creative <br /> individual who enjoys thinking outside the box in creating solutions and solving challenging <br /> problems. <br /> Conflict of Interest: <br /> I have been involved in learning and speaking with OCBOCC and individuals in the Save <br /> Hillsborough campaign in regards to the industrial park proposal. I may be personally opposed to <br /> this project but it does not supersede any opinions I have in working with other government <br /> officials. If anything, I have learned it is vitally important to give back to my community in any way <br /> I can. You just happen to have a vacant pharmacist position that I could slide into nicely. I <br /> welcome any opportunity to give back to my community and always have. I have the time <br /> necessary to commit to the public health board and would enjoy helping fellow Orange County <br /> residents in an area I know well. <br /> Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee <br /> Background, education and experience relevant to this board: <br /> As a teenager, I worked with the geriatric population at a retirement home for over 4 years, have <br /> been a registered pharmacist for almost 30 years and am a mother to 2 adult children, one with <br /> special needs. I have been the primary caregiver for my own daughter for the last 25 years and <br /> have worked and volunteered as part of the special needs community during much of this time. <br /> Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br /> I prefer to serve on the Public Health Board in the vacant pharmacist position. However, if I am <br /> not chosen for that esteemed position, I think I have a lot of life experience I can bring to this <br /> committee. As previously stated, I am not working outside the home currently and would enjoy <br /> an opportunity to volunteer and assist in services and areas I know well. I welcome an <br /> opportunity to serve Orange County, specifically my local community, in a way that is important <br /> and meaningful. <br /> Contribution to the diversity of viewpoints on this board: <br /> I have lived in many different towns throughout North Carolina growing up and volunteered and <br /> worked with many different individuals throughout my lifetime. I enjoy working with people from <br /> all walk of life and appreciate the unique situations individuals have. A good friend referred to me <br /> recently as The Peacekeeper . I can relate to young and old, wealthy or poor, and love and <br /> appreciate the diversity that makes up this area. <br /> Conflict of Interest: <br /> Boards/Commissions appointments: <br /> Other Comments: <br /> This application was current on: 10/2/2020 12:22:36 AM Date Printed: 10/2/2020 <br />