Agenda - 10-22-2001-hb4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-22-2001
Agenda - 10-22-2001-hb4
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9/2/2008 2:06:21 AM
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8/29/2008 10:35:02 AM
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• West of Cameron Street <br />NoM Of the Eno River <br />Upon Boartl wnfrmation, the following assumptions regaking fha use of the land woultl be <br />cited to the erohRed: <br />. The area that la presently River Park land wpuM remain tletlicatetl tc parklopen space, with <br />eMremely mininal, if any encroachment by parking. <br />• The area that is presently River Park could be utilized for pad or all of a Fermata Market <br />Facility, rf[he gnal tleelgn intlicatetl that to be the optimal location. <br />. The builtling in which the Sheriffs Depadment is lowtetl shoultl be left intact if at all possible. <br />(The Gourt Campus Master Plen rewmmentla its removal.) <br />• The Occaneachi IiMian Village remains as is. <br />. A multi-level peM1ing deck remains an acceptable splutgn tp provitling atlequate parking to <br />[he area. <br />The revised master plan woultl be presentetl [o the Boartl for approval before wmmenwment <br />of the acWal tlesign process for the Courthouse. <br />Should the Boak so direct, the frm who protlucetl the Court Campus Masler Plan coultl be <br />contacted regarding availability for the expantletl plan antl a contract for such presentetl to the <br />Boak for wnsitleration in the near future. <br />Prooosetl Planning Process <br />Following the approval of the proposetl expandetl Bite master plan, the Justice Facilities <br />Expansion Project, as entlorsetl by the County Commissioners shoultl move forwak. The <br />process listetl below is recommended in okerto inwryorete the interests of various <br />stakeholtlers a[the appropriate times mrougM1OUt the planning process. The intlivitluals listetl <br />ere recommentletl basetl an their expressed interest, specific area of expertise and/ar previous <br />involvement in the process. The process has been wmpartmen[alizetl Into the following <br />segments' <br />• Selection of Design Firm <br />Programming: Interior <br />• Programming: Exterior (includes River Park area) <br />Selection of tM1e Design Flrm <br />Scope of Work: Appointees to tills group wouM be responsible for the following: <br />• Approving the criteria whereby the firms will be evalUateQ <br />• ReNewing the Requests for Proposal submiae0 by the various fims antl creating a <br />short-list of fans tM1at appear b best meet the project nestle; <br />• Interviewing [he firms placetl on the short list (generelly no more than six); <br />Rewmmentling the preferred design(rm for Boak of Commissioner consitlere[Ion. <br />Recommended appointees: <br />• Merk Shergan, Tuwn of Hillsborough Commissioner and Tourism Boak member <br />• Susan Frankenburg, Alliance for Historic Hillsborough <br />• CatM1leen TUmer, Alliance for Historic Hillsborough <br />• Totld Dickinson, Historic Preservation AmhdeM <br />• 2Caunry Commissioners <br />• SheriR Lintly Pendaigraea <br />
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