Minutes - 19610404
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19610404
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222 Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />April 4, 1961 <br />The Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, met in regular session at the County <br />Courthouse in Hillsboro, the usual place of meeting at 10 o'clock, a.m., on April 4, 1961. <br />Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford and Commissioners Harvey D. Bennett, Clarence D. - <br />Jones, Donald R. McDade and Henry Walker. <br />Members absent: None <br />The minutes for the previous meetings were read by the Clerk and approved after corrections <br />were made in the minutes of the March 6th and March 20th meetings. <br />The following Department officials presented reports for the month of March, 1961t <br />E. M. Lynch, Clerk of Court <br />Jesse Trowbridge, Home Demonstration Agent <br />Frank Frederick, Delinquent Tax Collector <br />Walter Wrenn, Veterans Service Office and <br />Mrs. Creighton Bunn, Kelfare Sept, <br />The Clerk of Court was requested to review the grand total due from cases originating in <br />the Recorder's Court. <br />The Delinquent Tax Collector was ask to make a report of the total amount of delinquent taxes <br />due the county and to report the amount collected. This report can then be used to analyze the per <br />tentage of delinquent taxes being collected under the program. <br />Dalton H. Loftin, Attorney of Ervin Eugene Wright, presented the release deed he had drawn <br />from Orange County to Mr. Wright. He also presented the affidavits which had been requested by <br />the Board at the March 6th meeting. <br />Mrs. Creighton Bunn, Welfare Supt., reported that 334 fand Iism had replied to the questionnaires <br />mailed in regard to the Surplus Food Program. <br />Four bids were submitted on building in which the county planned to house the Food Surplus <br />Warehouse, there sere: <br />Shoe Building $ 60.00 per month <br />Waddell Building $ 75.00 per month <br />Old Post Office Building $ 75.00 without utilities or <br />$125.00 with utilities <br />Basement quarters in the Carrboro Town Hall 5 60.00 ner month <br />A discussion arose concerning the issuance and certification of the Surplus Food Program. <br />Mrs. Theodore W. Crosson of Chapel Hill requested that the late listing penalty be taken from <br />her 1960 tax bill as she was traveling in Australis during the tax listing period. A discussion <br />arose concerning Mss. Crosson's request. Commissioner Jones stated he was in sympathy with Mrs. <br />(Crosson's position but he could not in all fairness to the other citizens paying late listing penalties <br />relieve Mrs. Crossen of this responsibility. <br />Commissioner McDade moved that Mrs. Crosses be relieved of the 1961 late listing penalty due <br />to the fact that she was out of the country from December 1, 1960, thru March 1, 1961. Commissioner <br />l4alker seconded this motion. Chairman Stanford called for the vote. Commissioners McDade, Walker <br />and Bennett voted aye. Commissioner Jones voted nay. Chairman Stanford declared the motion adopted. <br />Sim Rfland, former County Commissioner, appeared and stated that he had heard that the Board <br />was looking for a warehouse to be used for the storing and issuance of the Food Surplus Program. B . - <br />Efland stated that he had the appropriate building which contained 5000 square feet, with cement floor <br />and steel door. The price for rent on the building would be 5100.00 per month. <br />Paul Wright, President of Durham Bank & Trust Company; W. L. Burns, Vice-President of said <br />bank and E. Wilson Cole, Asst. Vice President of the Hillsboro Branch, brought the matter of the <br />depository of county fund to the attention of the Board. Mr. Wright stated that he had no,planned <br />approach or speech to make on the matter but from the standpoint of the Durham Bank & Trust Company <br />they were pleased with the arrangements that new existed between the county and the bank. He made <br />eference to the position taken by the two Chanel Hill banks and recited dAta taken from the records <br />for the period of 1957 thru 1960 to show the rise a,d decline of the county's financial status. He <br />emphasised again that he felt to separd=the county's deposits would be unwise, expensive and <br />nconvenient, but stated that if there were excess funds available that these funds could be invested <br />I,vith various banks. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett the County Accountant was authorized to distribute the <br />y funds between the three county banks in active accounts in a practical proportion so long as <br />barges to the county remain the same by the three banks. The Accountant was to resort the <br />ice in each account at the end of the month to the Board of Commissioners at each regular meeting. <br />motion died for the lack of a second. <br />The possibility of asking the A.B.C. Board to open an active account with the Bank of Chapel <br />was discussed. No decision was reached on this matter. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jones the County Accountant was authorized to continue the banking <br />tions in Hillsboro with the Durham Bank & Trust Company and deposit all surplus funds with the <br />arks in Chapel Hill. This motion died for the lack of a second. <br />Commissioner Jones then moved that since the two crevices motions had died for the lack of <br />do that the matter of the county depository be layed upon the table. Commissioner Walker seconded <br />motion. Chairman Stanford called for the vote. Commissioners Jones, Walker and AcDade vote aye. <br />ssioner Bennett voted nay. Chairman dtanford then declared the motion passed.
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