DocuSign Envelope ID:05AC53B6-D6A8-4C58-AE61-C861C28D8998
<br /> 6. Please briefly describe the proposed program, including an explanation of how it aligns with the Town of
<br /> Chapel Hill and Carrboro's Results Framework, and Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, and the target
<br /> population to benefit from the program. (100 words or less)
<br /> This application supports the full-time Executive Director (ED) position and ensures continuation of the ED's
<br /> important role in maintaining a high level of educational arts programming and outreach opportunities for
<br /> the Hillsborough community.The role of the ED is to plan, coordinate, develop, promote, and evaluate HAC's
<br /> thirteen arts-related programs.These programs create free educational and creative opportunities for the
<br /> community, encourage widespread participation, and promote access and inclusivity.The ED also ensures
<br /> HAC's sustainability through fundraising initiatives, organizational and board development, and
<br /> implementation of the strategic plan.All HAC programs align with BOCC's priority of championing diversity
<br /> and education. HAC offers accessible visual, literary and performing arts events and programs for all.
<br /> 7.Target Population: Please complete the table below with numbers(not percentages) of individuals served
<br /> and projected to be served.
<br /> Program Target Population Demographics
<br /> Projected Actual Projected Projected
<br /> 2018-19 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
<br /> Gender
<br /> Men 12,000 12,805 13,200 14,000
<br /> Women 18,000 19,208 19,800 21,000
<br /> Non-binary/Genderqueer N/A N/A N/A N/A
<br /> Self-Describe N/A N/A N/A N/A
<br /> Total 30,000 32,013 33,000 35,000
<br /> Race and Ethnicity
<br /> Black or African-American 7,500 8,004 8,250 8,750
<br /> American Indian or Alaska Native 360 384 400 425
<br /> Asian 600 641 660 700
<br /> White 21,540 22,984 23,690 25,125
<br /> Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
<br /> Two or more races
<br /> Some other race
<br /> Total 30,000 32,013 33,000 35,000
<br /> Of the above, how many Hispanic/Latino 3,300 3,521 4,950 5,250
<br /> Of the above, how many non-Hispanic/Latino 26,700 28,492 28,050 29,750
<br /> Total 30,000 32,013 33,000 35,000
<br /> Ag�
<br /> 0-5 years 2,805 2,994 2,000 2,121
<br /> 6-18 years 4,210 4,492 6,000 6,363
<br /> 19-50 years 16,835 17,965 22,000 23,335
<br /> 51+years 6,150 6,562 3,000 3,181
<br /> Program information P a g e 9 o f 2 1
<br />