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25 <br /> Travis Myren said staff can clarify that. He said there would be an abstract coming to <br /> the board on April 20, 2021 discussing the next steps for the Buckhorn Area Plan. He said this <br /> can be revisited and staff can provide additional detail. <br /> Chair Price agreed with Commissioner Hamilton, and asked if it is premature to put in <br /> the CIP that the county will spend over$1 million for construction if there is no plan to which the <br /> board has agreed. <br /> Travis Myren said he understood, and it was scheduled to move into year 1 so that is <br /> why it is here. He said given the uncertainty of the area plan, the board can defer the item. <br /> Commissioner McKee said there has been a plan to use half of the bond money for <br /> infrastructure in the EDD. He said he may need a refresher on what happened when the board <br /> voted to start using that money and dedicate it for sewer and water. He said Morinaga would <br /> not be in Orange County if not for this development, which was a promise to the company, and <br /> credited Morinaga for the economic development in this area. He asked if staff could provide <br /> the commissioners with a brief overview on the return on investment. He asked for time in a <br /> work session to look at an overlay presentation beginning with the EDD and adding in the <br /> phases when the development happened, so it would be clearer. He said he did not want the <br /> board to discuss pulling back from this investment, as failing to go under the interstate <br /> strangles area A. He said there was definitely a plan when he first came onto the board, and <br /> the county residents voted to move forward on that plan. He said this board may need to <br /> review what happened, and the minutes from those meetings. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said Commissioner McKee stated a lot of his points, and agreed <br /> there is a plan. He said it is confusing to look at two different maps of the same area between <br /> different plans. He said it is important to remember that the plan has always been to provide <br /> infrastructure to the area, which is important for any economic development. He said while <br /> there are residents with concerns about the type of economic development, they do agree with <br /> the idea of economic development there and without the water and sewer it is not possible. He <br /> recalled some emerging agreement that area A made the most sense for development, due to <br /> its location. He said there is value in making connections when thinking about the value of <br /> investment. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton agreed it would be helpful to review the history and the plan. <br /> She said a plan is a plan, and it still needs to be evaluated if the plan turns out as expected. <br /> She said part of the plan is agreeing on the kind of development the board wants to see, and <br /> having the community's input so the board does not feel pressure to jump on something that is <br /> not aligned with its interests. She said she wants to be cautious, and avoid a situation where <br /> the board ends up wasting more time with a proposal that is not in line with the county's values. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he does not disagree with Commissioner Hamilton, but <br /> wants to remind the board that the return on investment is more than tax dollars. He said that <br /> shortly after Morinaga opened, he was at Walmart and overheard a young man talking about <br /> getting work at Morinaga, and it being the first job he ever had with benefits, insurance, and a <br /> good wage that offered future security. He said if the board is serious about economic justice, <br /> it has to talk about the communities that are struggling with low paying jobs and the businesses <br /> that are paying $15 an hour and up. <br /> Commissioner Greene agreed the old map is confusing when she has the newer <br /> Buckhorn Area Plan map in her head. She agreed with Commissioner McKee and <br /> Commissioner Dorosin that there has been a long agreement to put water and sewer in Area A <br /> and it needs to be done in order to have conversations with any company that wants to develop <br /> there. She said those conversations likely will not happen without the infrastructure, which she <br /> believes the community expects at this point. <br /> Chair Price agreed there needs to be infrastructure, and was referring to the actual build <br /> out. She said the board told residents there would be a community conversation. She said she <br />