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19 <br /> 1 is more difficult to be successful. She said she does not have an average amount of rent <br /> 2 increases, and it depends greatly on what the market rents are, how far below market value the <br /> 3 rents currently are. She said if an investor buys a property, the rents typically increase to <br /> 4 market value as quickly as possible. She said residents have raised their rents anywhere from <br /> 5 $5-$180 increase to purchase the community, and it really depends on the market. She said a <br /> 6 $30-$40 increase is probably most typical. <br /> 7 Commissioner McKee agreed with the idea of asking the HOME Collaborative to <br /> 8 research the ideas further. <br /> 9 Commissioner Greene asked Thomas Beckett to speak on limited equity cooperative <br /> 10 housing and what it means over time. <br /> 11 Thomas Beckett said limited equity housing is a term used to distinguish it from market <br /> 12 rate housing. He said in cooperative housing residents own the asset. He said in New York <br /> 13 City the model is market rate, and each resident owns a share in the cooperative, and the <br /> 14 cooperative owns the building and they all share in maintaining the building. He said the pricing <br /> 15 is comparable to market rates in the city, because the membership if a full equity ownership in <br /> 16 the value of the underlying property. He said the limited equity housing came about in New <br /> 17 York as well, due to many abandoned properties with squatters. She said the membership does <br /> 18 not participate in the equity of the building, but rather in maintaining and governing it. He said <br /> 19 ROC USA is a limited equity model, where the cooperative corporation is a non-profit, and there <br /> 20 are no owners in the equity. He said members of a ROC pay a modest membership fee, and <br /> 21 each receives a vote for the Board of Directors and major issues of the community. He said <br /> 22 members are buying into a long-term stable rent situation, and the residents have the <br /> 23 opportunity to turn any cash flow into a reinvestment into the community. He said the home is <br /> 24 classified as a motor vehicle, which are generally considered depreciating assets. He said in a <br /> 25 resident owned community, the rents are stabilized, and generally become a higher valued <br /> 26 community, which creates equity. He said using a nonprofit as the vehicle takes the land off of <br /> 27 the speculative market, and no longer allows an investor to come in and turn it into condos. <br /> 28 Chair Price suggested, given the late hour that this topic be researched further by a <br /> 29 committee. <br /> 30 Commissioner Greene said she supports taking this to a committee for further research <br /> 31 and discussion. She said this idea is so valuable, as this is a market driven situation. She said <br /> 32 if a landlord wishes to sell, ROC USA begins the process. She said if this model is adopted, it <br /> 33 does not create a lot of work for a committee, and the Affordable Housing Collaborative does <br /> 34 not need to have its charge changed in order to cover. <br /> 35 Chair Price said she supports letting the Affordable Housing Collaborative move forward <br /> 36 with researching the item, and would like to increase the membership on the committee to <br /> 37 increase the diversity of the group. She said she would like to expand the number of voices on <br /> 38 the committee, including representation from people who live in the mobile home communities. <br /> 39 Commissioner Greene said the collaborative will bring information back to the full boards <br /> 40 for further discussion, and she does not want to slow things down. <br /> 41 Chair Price said she is not trying to slow things down, but rather wants to move them <br /> 42 along. She said she would like the BOCC to vote to pursue this. <br /> 43 Commissioner Greene said she would like for the Board to decide if this is a model that <br /> 44 in which the County wants to participate. <br /> 45 Chair Price said she thought the existing Affordable Housing Collaborative should <br /> 46 research the model. She said the only suggestion she and the mayors of the municipalities had <br /> 47 was to increase the diversity of the collaborative <br /> 48 Commissioner Greene clarified the suggestion of expanding the number of people on <br /> 49 the collaborative. She said, as elected officials, the existing representatives represent the <br /> 50 voters of Chapel Hill, the County and the Towns. <br />