Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedures 78 <br /> Section 2.22: Home Occupations <br /> SECTION • OCCUPATIONS <br /> 2.22.1 Application Requirements <br /> (A) An application for a Home Occupation Permit shall be filed with the Planning Director <br /> on forms provided by the Planning Department. <br /> (B) Application forms shall be prepared so that when completed a full and accurate <br /> description of the proposed use, including its location, appearance, and operational <br /> characteristics are disclosed. <br /> (C) An application for a minor home occupation shall include a plot plan that adheres to <br /> the requirements of Sections 2.4.3 and 5.5.34. <br /> (D) An application for a major home occupation shall require a Class Special Use <br /> Permit and adhere to the requirements of Sections 2.5.3, 2.7, and 5.5.43. <br /> 2.22.2 Conditions of Approval <br /> (A) If conditions are attached to the approval of a permit, they may address def iencies <br /> in meeting specific Ordinance requirem/premises; <br /> they may address specifi ' pacts <br /> which result from the operation of the hcupation. <br /> If conditions address specific impacts ult from the operat' n of the home <br /> occupation, the conditions may includet be limited to th ollowing limitations: <br /> (1) Hours of operation; <br /> (2) umber of vehicles to be parked omises;(3) The cation of an accessory buildige ea or parking on the property. <br /> (C) The Plannin irector may require gre ks and/or additional landscaping or <br /> screening to a uately screen the hopation from adjoining properties. <br /> 2.22.3 Application Approval <br /> (A) If the application is appro d, eithe ith or without conditions, the Planning Director <br /> shall send the applicant a pe i tter informing him/her of the approval and of the <br /> requirements of the Ordinanc t apply to the home occupation. <br /> A The permit letter must be gned by e applicant to indicate his/her willingness to <br /> operate the home occu tion in confor ance with the requirements and conditions <br /> set forth in the permi etter. <br /> (C) Each permit lett shall be kept on file by the nning Director and shall constitute <br /> the Home Oc pation Permit for the particular us in question. <br /> (D) The home ccupation may be operated by the applic t as long as it is operated in <br /> confor nce with the requirements and conditions set th in the permit letter. <br /> 2.22.4 Application D nial <br /> If the appl' ation is denied, the Planning Director shall notify the applicant of th denial and shall <br /> state th reasons for denial in writing. <br /> 2.22.5 A eals <br /> The applicant may appeal the decision of the Planning Director to the Board of Adjustment a set <br /> forth in Section 2.27. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-75 <br />