Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedures 77 <br /> Section 2.17: Vacation of Recorded Plats and Road Abandonment <br /> (i) For example, if the Master Plan or Site Plan associated with a <br /> nn�Z=Conditional District approval shows a ten-acre portion of <br /> the tract approved for retail development with a maximum floor <br /> area of 100,000 square feet, then if that ten acre area is <br /> subdivided, each lot so created shall show on the face of the plat <br /> the maximum building area that can be constructed on that lot. <br /> ABANDONMENTiSECTION 2.17: VACATION OF RECORDED PLATS AND ROAD <br /> 2.17.1 Generally <br /> (A) Lots Unsold <br /> The owner of a parcel subject to an approved plat m/annebed <br /> plat at y time before <br /> ny lot in the plat is sold. The plat is vacated when aowled ed instrument <br /> d taring the plat vacated is approved and recorded r pr cribed for the <br /> orig al plat. <br /> (B) Lo Sold <br /> If lots in th plat have been sold or built upon, the pla of the plat, may be <br /> vacated on t application of all the owners of lots inapproval obtained in <br /> the manner pr cribed for the original plat. <br /> 2.17.2 Initiation <br /> The owner or owners of lots in y approved subdivision ust initiate a plat vacation by filing an <br /> application with the Planning Dire tor. <br /> 2.17.3 Application Requirements <br /> (A) Applications shall be submitt on f ms provided by the Planning Department in <br /> accordance with Section 2.2 of i Ordinance. <br /> (B) Applications shall include: <br /> (1) Copy of the approved/r orded pi <br /> (2) A narrative outlining a reason(s)fo he request, <br /> (3) A legal descriptio of the total area soug t to be altered or vacated, <br /> (4) A legal descri ion of any easements or oth similar restrictions affecting the <br /> property, <br /> (5) A list of t se individuals, corporations, or other a tities holding an ownership <br /> interes n the property, <br /> (6) Do mentation denoting all encumbrances, includin\en <br /> quent taxes or <br /> a essments, on the property at the time of applicatmittal, <br /> (7) f there is a street that has been dedicated to NC D 'ntenance, the <br /> application shall contain a copy of a petition for abaent the street, <br /> ( The legal documentation, including a revised develo agree ent and <br /> deed(s), necessary to complete the vacation proces <br /> (9) If the subdivision is subject to restrictive covenants, licant(s)wil eed tosubmit either revised covenants, including signed stts from propeowner's agreeing to the change, denoting the lots) acated or legaldocuments extinguishing the existing covenants in tnt the developmen sa whole is being abandoned, <br /> (10) Five copies of a plat denoting the Iot(s) intended to ted, and <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-67 <br />