Orange County NC Website
rr <br />Indicators of sustainability for Orange County <br />The following pages provide assessments for indicators for which tlate was reatlily <br />available antl collectable within the timefreme forwmpletion cf this report. The <br />indicators ere divitled Into three major dusters: <br />7. ECONOMY: Creating and Mafntaining liveability <br />This cluster covers intlicators relating [c economic development antl prosperity, <br />population growth and lantl tlevelopment, transportation, and housing. These are all <br />major espeds determining the quality of life in the County. Developing antl <br />maintaining a prosperous communRy that lives within the limps of the naturel <br />environment is key to achieving long-term community sustainability. <br />2. ENVIkONMENT: Bespecbng Environmental Limits <br />This duster comprises intliwtcrs relevant to preserving the integrity of the natural <br />landscape, efficient use of natural resources, antl pollution prevention and <br />mitigation. _ <br />3. EOUITY: Creab'ng antl Maintaining an Equitable Community <br />Intliwtors in this cluster relate to equity and the well-being of all citzens, tlecreasing <br />tlispari[ies antl ensuring the basic needs of all citizens are mat. It also atltlresses <br />community/civic participaticn antl etlucaticn. <br />Alt¢rnative Intllealars <br />An effective sat of indicators points to problems or conditions that require change, helps <br />tell the community how far M1 is from chosen goals, and is comprehensive eneugh to <br />cover a 2nge of eapec[s of susiainebllity. <br />For acme Intlicatore from the SOCF report, data is not presently available or Is tliffcult <br />[e obtain. In Iheae cases antl in a few instances where gaps were idendfled, substitute <br />intlicators were chosen. The following crtera were considered in choosing alternative <br />indicators." <br />• Intlicator is relevant to sustainability end focuses onalong range view; <br />• Intlicator ie understandable to public antl tledsion-maker;; <br />It makes a link between econemy, society, antl environment; <br />e Reliable information is available. <br />Taken together these criteria ensure that each indicator provides a¢urete information <br />that is easily untlerstootl by dt¢ens antl pelicy makers regartling progress toward or <br />away from sustainability. <br />' Htlaple0 horn HaR, Maureen Gultle to Sudalneble Community IntlicaNrs. QLF/Allen'IC Genterfor the <br />Envucnment. May 1995 <br />