Orange County NC Website
Commissioner HulkioHs: Good parka M1ave good aignage, The Little Rivev Petk shodd <br />• hove high quality eigve that advise pwple drat there ere ewsitlve arose (e.g. rare plain <br />apw,ca)ov na'Gmaaaa areas k~~poiaa ixy)matenoam be avoin°n <br />The Orange and Dur7mn comUy st ~plmr. to develop signs tMt wNl guiAe the Publio m <br />vallab(efci(id., andpoinrs ofinteresn (na m(and catzuralJ loeatedwithxn the park <br />SlSrus wdlt also wnor people ofarry hozmds or potential problem areas to be avoldeA. A <br />Retailed sl8n Plan will be Prepared arPmt ofihe ParkYlarmin8 stage ord will be <br />presented m the eomrrelssloners for theirapproval. <br />• Commissioner Gordon: Both counties may need to hold off ov allowing horsebackriding <br />wlthly Ne pazk anth additional laude or eascmwts havebccv swvtW. <br />Ifrke Orange and Durhran boa.As ofwmmissbners n8ree ihN homebark ddlivg is an <br />a[(awable use (per eondilions inch as those recommended by park aaLisory commitleeJ, <br />awf(wtll Purse an access easemene agreement with dm adjacent landowner rho[ Nos <br />exprcsseAimercst in such anarr8emene The-roposul agreunem wnu[d allow members <br />afthe Iwrseback ridutg public ro use an exisMaR tmil rhmerosses she-rivare property <br />and loops Ruck into &c park Area eyuesaians have offered to he[P mminrain r6e trail to <br />help er~reepark rules aman8sl themselvesaMenm.a shot they remin Hrep.ivdege f <br />sing the pink horeehack riding <br />• Comu er Gordon: The pmposedm ands of agreemrnt(MOAs)witM1 aqueatnan <br />and ac mevntaly bikc gmvps vccdro specify tlmt [lolls wN wmaln open to the public evd <br />thew group huv nn xpeciallexdueive nghls m seethe uafls. <br />The Orage mid Durham smjr"xnuldwurk with bvAcounry auamevs to devaloP draft <br />MOAs for review and approval oftlra OrmyBe aM Durham commissioners andoll atMr <br />pm(iev involved TM ugreemems would idenafp spa fc roles mW responsi6iiities, bin <br />would tint Provide anY sPedaUexrlusive ri8l¢s ra anY-ary <br />Envlronmantantl Resource Conservation <br />P09ox 8181 /3116A Revere Road <br />Hll&bomuBh.rNC2JD8 <br />