Orange County NC Website
permonere saaminabla, amirarnrremmlr s I and legal rranr m ree exavauiimnarmm~ <br />a."DOMBO represenratives consulted wirA rAe sioJT auendedpark advisory <br />rmrdevs meethrgs, mrd spoke M f vvr uJOur cornminaa report b4(vre bnrR flra Orange <br />and Durhan comrnissimrers. TM1ey ~recred a strong interest in being allowed ro build <br />and maimain bike trails ar 2e Gitt(e River Pnrk <br />• Cammissioner9mwn: Asked i[scoff ha6 aoocul[edamemb«af thestareov local office <br />of dre North Carohna Horse Council. WM1a[ was the natwe of theirinvolvemevt with fie <br />advisoryummiuea? <br />Sr~'cr ruulted with NL'9mre Yorks&RecreNion nsultanrs, Me NC Hare Cuuncil anA <br />otherpark & rearaahon agamias. The NC Horse Caunal Ms appoimed a <br />DarhaMOmnge representmive (Leslie XenrwtlyJ ro assist vse in (rail design mid <br />wrmgemem. Mz Remredy tarnad thenark property with n Viand iarerpresented Ner <br />. .. m fthe siiemrhe LRPAC. Ir was MS. Rermedy'.cnpinivn that the sire rould <br />mnbdare aquasnian use whhaur causing any adverse rnvlromnenraNnrpacrz <br />(8iologlsr on the wmminee did nor ogre m rely wirA that asresesnant) <br />Alrhou8h score 8uidelines recommends minimwr nf5-f0 mfles ofrmiM1 drrfiwted for <br />Aaneback riding, err opportunity exists ro devela-23 miles ofrrai(s on parkpraperiy <br />and an adjaaeny Privately mooed note Thm small sized trail system would likety nor <br />mnm:r eyuesrriunsfium outside Ithe region or immediate neighborMad NeverrM(ess, <br />memhers ofrlw NC Ilpr4e Cnmrci! wauldjvin loco! eyuesnians in asristing Durham aM <br />Orange c unrY sr if in bmh the design rznd mainrenmme nfan aqua man naiLrystem <br />• Commienioaerl30rduo:RequC9rcd malchlfOOnation an thL tlCPi151080oNMrodaW <br />equestrian use. Wnuldriders PUSS rhmagh Ne Vmk or woaltl we provide as uea for <br />laadhrg end unloading horses on sires <br />According to the NC Horse Cowml, &e es antral elenientr}'vr aquevrrian trails are <br />p.operd sign, adegrmre rpaa , dear guidlinrs oral proper mrdnrenance Thvve <br />elemams o.e addressed by the condldons for equestrian use rccommardrd M rho <br />LRPAC Although niwr usr is amidpaud by adjncerdand nenrby aqua why would <br />-au ihrongh Dre-ark a srnaA area for parb'ng mrd untooding Hailers con/dbe Irze(mled <br />in the pmkinR area. ARhauRh the small rrail.rysmm wouldprahahly one correct many <br />riderafivm ethan Sd0 m6u away,a modanng tml(ars would bre more aquira6la <br />ro riders nor owning land in the imnudhue urea o/the park <br />The Ends of(ddtlhes herded m acmnvnodrere horsebackriding solaria a naiim <br />-mking/unloadin8area, a dedimted Mrse nail netwo.k and signage. Ifrhe roumiea are <br />uccessfW H obmnring an enr a8ra with rFe adfamm landawn q the <br />eerimmed startup wsr of facihrles and consnurnan u less than $5,000. Ifnai the park <br />property by irsalfwouldnor have enough suIIable areal'vreubllohorsr trails. <br />Lace] aquevrrimu have organised a groap that Is wiping ro asnn stag4n the devrlopmenl <br />and_rrreimenmme n(erails. <br />Envlronmenl antl fleswnae COnserveflon <br />PO X28181 /3o6~A flevere floatl <br />Hillsborough, NC2]2]B <br />ry19i 245-258] <br />