Orange County NC Website
Little River Regional Park antl Natural Area <br />Issues [o be Addressetl In Proposed Interlowl Agreement <br />behveen <br />Orange County antl Durham County <br />Durham County and Orange County have acquiretl jointly a 391-acre property for <br />the Little River Regional Park and Natural Area (255 acres in Durham; 136 acres in <br />Orange). Acquisition antl development of the park is a cooperative project among <br />the partners Durham County, Orange County, the Triangle Land Conservancy and <br />me Eno River Association. The park will be tlevelopetl with a $262,000 grant from <br />the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and is expectetl to be open <br />to the public by ORober 2002. The regional park will be jointly owned and <br />managed by Orange and Durham counties. <br />An interlowl agreement between Durham and Orange counties will be tlevelopetl ro <br />help address the following issues concerning the joint ownership, development, and <br />management of the park. <br />Park Name-the formal name of the park Is the L/tt/e Po"ver Regiona/Park and <br />Natura/Area for use in signage, brochures, publicity, etc. The shorter name, Little <br />Piver Park, may also be used In some rases when deemed appropriate. <br />Facilities Naming and Recognition- a policy and procedure for the naming or <br />dedication of park facilities in attordance with criteria will be developed and <br />approved by both county boards (e.g., halls, picnic shelter, etc.). <br />Ownership and Use-the park property will continue to be ownetl as separate <br />parcels held by each county by fee simple title and available for a variety of public <br />uses agreed upon by both coundes antl subject [o limitations imposed by <br />state/federal grants used to purchase and develop the park. <br />Park Advisory Committee -the agreement will propose the formation of a long- <br />term advisory commi¢ce to provitle help guide county staff In the operation antl <br />maintenance of [he park, and to make rewmmentlatlons to the county boartls of <br />commissioners. Staff envisions this group meeting quarterly or twice yeatly. (This <br />committee woultl be tlifferent from Ne current atl hoc commRtee set up tp advise <br />on park uses antl park tlevelppment.] <br />Regulations-the agreement will describe the process far adoption and <br />amendment of park policies, fees, rules and regulations. Staff anticipates that both <br />county boartls will adopt park regulations in atlvance of the park opening. <br />