Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 280 Whitney Watson: I want to go back to the notice question, especially any kind of posted signage,while the UDO had <br /> 281 plenty of places where it's very prescriptive, I'd like to add one more. Signage that's posted in a yard or the right-of-way <br /> 282 needs to meet standards for legibility and readability just like we expect billboards to be able to be read when someone is <br /> 283 driving by at 35 mph. There are a number that pop up around that western side of Orange County that I just can't read. If <br /> 284 that could somehow be specified. I'm sure the DOT folks could tell you how big the letters need to be to be seen at various <br /> 285 speed limits. <br /> 286 <br /> 287 Perdita Holtz: If I could address that, the County does attempt to put a lot of information on those signs. I don't know if <br /> 288 you have seen other places in North Carolina where you'll see an 8'h x 11 yellow sign that just has a Z on it,which means <br /> 289 zoning, and it has the phone number for the planning department. That is how a lot of places advertise that something is <br /> 290 happening on the property. We could go to something like that. Having a sign with all the information that we attempt to <br /> 291 put on it could result in a 4 ft. by 8 ft. sign and staff puts those up and staff does it in a County vehicle or personal vehicle <br /> 292 and that would be pretty big to fit into those vehicles. If there is a general feeling that the sign needs to be larger,we <br /> 293 would need to take a look how much we actually try to put on the sign and whether we should try to emulate the Z signs <br /> 294 that so many other places use. <br /> 295 <br /> 296 Craig Benedict: Maybe with a website address and a phone number and then with the big Z. That is what people are <br /> 297 using now for information gathering. <br /> 298 <br /> 299 Adam Beeman: Maybe not even a bigger sign but taller poles to stand it on so it isn't so low to the ground. That may help <br /> 300 visibility. <br /> 301 <br /> 302 Whitney Watson: I would be in favor of less information that is more readable and getting it up higher would be great. <br /> 303 <br /> 304 Lamar Proctor: I agree with Whitney and I think this dovetails into my initial question about putting stuff on the website. 1 <br /> 305 think it gives better notice to people to have a big Z and say look there's something going on, go here and you can read <br /> 306 about it. You're trying to put as much information as you can and I think the big point of the sign is to put people on notice <br /> 307 that something is going on. They are not going to get the details from their car but they will get the notice if it's a larger Z <br /> 308 than if it's a small signer that could be easily be confused with a work permit or something. <br /> 309 <br /> 310 Perdita Holtz: Understood, the current way it came to be is because people complained that there wasn't enough <br /> 311 information on the sign and they had to go somewhere else. <br /> 312 <br /> 313 David Blankfard: Can you also put the date of whatever is going to happen, like on April 10, 2021 and then people will <br /> 314 know something is happening that day and go find out what it is. <br /> 315 <br /> 316 Michael Harvey: Just to remind the Planning Board that there are statutory minimum requirements you have to post the <br /> 317 date,time, location and nature of a public hearing. The problem is getting all that on a sign that the Department of <br /> 318 Transportation won't rip down. In the 16 or so years I've been here,we have attempted numerous different sign options <br /> 319 and as Craig and Perdita can attest,we've had several sign taken by the North Carolina Department of Transportation <br /> 320 over the years. We even had signs removed as part of the Efland Station project because the Department of <br /> 321 Transportation said they were too high or were too large and violated their sign policy. We have multiple avenues for <br /> 322 information being provided to local residents on the numerous projects that are reviewed by both the Planning Board and <br /> 323 the County Commissioners. We've been tasked with studying the issue again and we will do so. I'm not sure we can <br /> 324 come up with accommodations that will address everybody's concerns. <br /> 325 <br /> 326 Carrie Fletcher: Since we have a lot of new members, can we go back to having the pre-meeting training sessions to help <br /> 327 get people more information on the conditional, non-conditional and some of the new terminology. Those kind of pre- <br /> 328 meeting instructional programs for people to learn some of the idiosyncrasies of the Planning Board. <br /> 329 <br /> 330 Perdita: Holtz: Yes,what I did was a series of training sessions which I was planning to start again since we do have new <br /> 331 members. That's something that I'll look at doing,as soon as the 160D amendments are adopted. I want be able to give <br /> 332 the correct information. <br /> 333 <br />