Orange County NC Website
80 <br /> Fund Balance <br /> FY 2021 Beginning Balance 6/123/848 <br /> Assigned/Restricted 2,968,028 <br /> Unassigned/Available 3,155,820 <br /> FY 2021 Budget Surplus/(Under run) (+ or -)500,000 <br /> FY 2021 Ending Balance 2.7M-3.7M <br /> The district is currently projecting a June 30 fund balance of$2.7M—$3.7M. We currently anticipate a <br /> revenue neutral end to the 2020-21 school year. <br /> The district did turn to fund balance for the 2020-21 school year to support: <br /> • Remote curriculum purchase <br /> • Hotspot devices <br /> • Webcams to enable teachers the ability to be seen while teaching remotely <br /> • 2nd computer monitors to afford teachers the ability to view students and materials simulta- <br /> neously <br /> • Air purifiers in classroom spaces <br /> In an effort to enhance recruitment efforts and remain competitive with neighboring districts, the dis- <br /> trict is investigating potential adjustments to teacher supplements and classified salary schedules. In an <br /> effort to minimize the impacts in a given year, fund balance is being reserved to allow the district to <br /> phase in any potential adjustments. <br />