Orange County NC Website
78 <br /> 2021-22 Local Budget Request <br /> Anticipated Local Expenses-continued <br /> • The expansion request to add Equity Facilitators was unfunded in 2020-21. As a result, the district <br /> brings back this request to build capacity related to culturally relevant teaching practices. Not only <br /> would these positions assist in building capacity surrounding culturally relevant teaching practices but <br /> we also envision these facilitators; (1) teaching African American and Latinx history courses at the two <br /> high schools; (2) Examining policies, practices and protocols through an equity lens; and (3) Additional <br /> support to 13 school based equity teams. At this time, the OCS Equity Department consists of one staff <br /> member. We know in looking at our end of grade reading data for grades 3-8, our marginalized students <br /> reflect the greatest disparities. <br /> • The number of families needing Karen and Burmese translation services continues to grow in OCS. As a <br /> result, we are requesting funding to support a part-time position to provide this service. <br /> • We bring back the expansion request to increase the maintenance technician staff by four. OCS current- <br /> ly has one maintenance technician serving 93,000 square feet. Industry standards are one maintenance <br /> technician serving 50,000 square feet. An additional 50,000 square feet has been added to the district <br /> with completion of the Cedar Ridge High School wing addition and 26,000 square feet added with the <br /> opening of the Orange County Schools Welcome Center which adds to the 93,000 square feet currently. <br /> • To enable the district to focus on diversity recruitment and hiring resulting in an increase in the number <br /> of male and minority candidates hired into teaching positions, we bring back the request to fund hiring a <br /> Recruitment and Talent Management Director. This position will coordinate district recruitment efforts <br /> and outreach to university partners. <br /> • MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) focuses on core instruction and identifying specific concepts or <br /> foundational skills that need to be targeted at allow students to be successful. A strong MTSS program <br /> can increase the success of all students. A MTSS Facilitator would provide support to all schools to fully <br /> implement supports that can develop a strong program to increase the literacy and mathematics profi- <br /> ciency of our students. <br /> • The number of English Language Learner teachers within OCS has remained unchanged since the 2017- <br /> 18 school year. However, the number of English language learner students has continued to grow. The <br /> 658 students identified as English learners in 2018-19 has grown to 775 which represents over 10% of <br /> the total OCS student population. Such an increase has created disparities across the district with teach- <br /> er to student ratios ranging from 1:36 to 1:76. <br /> • During our Listen & Learn sessions last February and early March, our families shared transportation is- <br /> sues as a primary concern. Districts the size of OCS typically have two TIMS Coordinators to develop and <br /> create bus routes. At this time, one individual is solely responsible for developing and creating the nec- <br /> essary bus routes for all OCS students. <br />