Orange County NC Website
77 <br /> 2021-22 Local Budget Request <br /> Anticipated Local Expenses-continued <br /> Teacher Assistant Work Days Paid 821500 <br /> Academically/Intellectually Gifted Teachers (AIG) 1601000 <br /> PreK Dual Language 40,000 <br /> Equity Facilitators 1421000 <br /> PT Karen/Burmese Family Liaisons 401000 <br /> Maintenance Technicians 192,000 <br /> Recruitment & Talent Mgmt. Director 81,000 <br /> MTSS Facilitator 721800 <br /> English Language Learner Teachers 1101000 <br /> Additional TIMS Coordinator 65,500 <br /> Total Expansion Budget Request 985,800 <br /> Per Pupil Increase need to fund Expansion Budget $ 122 <br /> In an effort to ensure Federal Covid relief funds are dedicated to student remediation and enrichment, OCS <br /> has several expansion budget needs presented for consideration. <br /> • Previous budget shortfalls forced the district to search for cost saving options with minimal impact on <br /> students. One such option was to no longer allow teacher assistants to work and be paid for workdays <br /> during the school year. Teacher Assistants provide lots of support outside of day to day instruction, as a <br /> result, we are striving to reinstate workdays for this population. <br /> • As OCS continues to implement an AIG plan that places a priority on equity, the district needs to be <br /> sufficiently staffed in order to provide equitable access to gifted services across the district. These addi- <br /> tional specialists would serve district schools that do not have full AIG support. The addition of two full- <br /> time specialists would decrease the student teacher ratio allowing specialists to increase the amount of <br /> time they serve advanced learners, increase nurturing service times and grow the talent development <br /> program at each elementary school. <br /> • Budget shortfalls in the 2020-21 school year, along with Covid response, prevented the district from <br /> moving forward on developing a feeder path for the very successful K Dual Language program currently <br /> offered at New Hope Elementary. Our community is very interested in the program for PreK and we <br /> hope budget is made available to implement. <br />