Orange County NC Website
71 <br /> Struggles During a Pandemic <br /> • 11 - <br /> 4 ' , <br /> i <br /> F <br /> 6 F <br /> % F <br /> { <br /> . t <br /> 0% r i <br /> % <br /> i% iF <br /> �� r a <br /> Below5% 1'70 <br /> Well <br /> BelowBenchmarkBenchmark AboveBenchmark <br /> Benchmark <br /> Grade 1 BOY Grade 1 MOY Gradei <br /> Follows last year first graders to second grade this year. <br /> First graders moving to second grade this year showed minimal change for the most part across all admin- <br /> istrations of the assessment. <br /> 43% of this cohort remain below and well below the benchmark. <br /> We realize and acknowledge that this is absolutely unacceptable for our students. <br />