Orange County NC Website
64 <br /> Budget at a Glance <br /> Where the money comes from: Sources of Revenue <br /> General Funds w Special Funds w Enterprise Funds <br /> FederalCapital <br /> State <br /> $48,406,539 $15,729,319 School Food Service $2,576,160 <br /> $160.5 million in total budgeted revenues for the 2021-22 school year <br /> General Revenue Funds—$102.4 million-63.8% of total revenue—$12,632 per pupil <br /> These funds support districtwide instructional programs, operations and administration. <br /> => State Public School Fund—$48.4 million—$5,969 per pupil—represents the largest revenue <br /> source for Orange County Schools. This revenue is generated primarily from state income and <br /> sales taxes. These revenues are intended to adequately support basic instruction programs for <br /> North Carolina's students. <br /> => Local Operating Fund—$38.3 million—$4,724 per pupil—is comprised primarily from Orange <br /> County property and sales taxes. These revenues support school building maintenance and oper- <br /> ations and supplement state funds for instructional programs. <br /> => Federal Grants Fund—$15.7 million—$1,937 per pupil—includes Covid relief funds allocated to <br /> Orange County Schools from the Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER II <br /> & III). These revenues provide additional support for students with disabilities as well as our ele- <br /> mentary schools with a high proportion of children from low income families. <br /> Special Revenue Funds—$54.6 million—$6,730 per pupil—are restricted for specific purposes. <br /> => Capital Outlay Fund—$51.3 million—$6,324 per pupil—consists primarily of proceeds from local <br /> general obligation bonds, Supplemental deferred maintenance funding, local annual operations <br /> and maintenance appropriations and proceeds from the state lottery. North Carolina law stipu- <br /> lates that counties are charged with building, equipping and maintaining school facilities. <br /> => Other Restricted Fund—$3.3 million—$406 per pupil—represents funds received rom other <br /> sources for specific purposes. The largest component of this fund is Medicaid/MAC and nurse re- <br /> imbursements. <br /> Enterprise Funds—$3.5 million—$427 per pupil—consists of the School Nutrition and Child Care funds. The <br /> revenues received in these funds are based on fees for service. They are intended to be self-supporting. <br />