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48 <br /> EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 125 <br /> FY 2021-22 Budget Preparation Process <br /> For this year's budget process, the District implemented an improved budget request process <br /> to gather data from Schools and Budget Managers. These changes primarily came from the <br /> advice and recommendations received from the Board's External Review. <br /> The District updated the budget preparation process to move towards what is known as a <br /> "zero base"budgeting process. Essentially what this means is that instead of just adjusting <br /> the prior year's numbers, each department will submit a request based on what they predict <br /> will be needed in the upcoming year. This will result in a budget that is built solely from the <br /> needs of the upcoming year, without much attention to the previous year. This year, it is not <br /> intended to jump straight to a purely"zero base"process, so each department will be <br /> provided their current budget as a guide,with the ability to request and reallocate for any <br /> needs they predict in the upcoming year. <br /> For each line item of the department's budget,we asked the manager to provide a few <br /> additional data points beyond the dollar amount requested: <br /> • A Category and Subcategory that the expense fit into (i.e. new growth initiative, <br /> enhancement to existing program, continuation, etc.) <br /> • Alignment to the Strategic Plan (Student Success, Employee Experience, Family and <br /> Community Engagement, Organizational Effectiveness) <br /> • A written justification to provide details about the expense <br /> We also asked a set of general questions for each request relating to the broader picture of the <br /> department within the District: <br /> • A Department Description <br /> • Achievements during the Prior Year <br /> • Major Work Initiatives for the Upcoming Fiscal Year <br /> • What are the equity impacts from this request? <br /> Each piece of requested data is intentional in the overarching goal of building trust with our <br /> community. Stating the prior year's achievements and declaring the work initiatives of each <br /> department holds each department accountable year over year. The question on equity <br /> ensures that equity is at the forefront of everything the District does and documenting the <br /> known impacts holds the District accountable in this regard. Aligning each expense with the <br /> Strategic Plan ensures that everyone in the District is working in unison towards our <br /> District's goals. Justifying each expense ensures transparency and allows the public to gain a <br /> deeper understanding of the decisions made by the District. <br /> 00 <br /> Chapel Hill—Carrboro City Schools—FY 2021-22 Recommended Budget empower <br /> inspire <br />