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40 <br /> EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 117 <br /> BOARD OF EDUCATION'S RECOMMENDED LOCAL OPERATING BUDGET <br /> FOR THE BUDGET YEAR 2021-22 <br /> Total Cost Per Pupil <br /> Cost <br /> STUDENT ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS: <br /> 2021-22 Student Enrollment Projection: 12,351 <br /> LOCAL CURRENT OPERATING BUDGET CONTINUATION COSTS <br /> Salary and Benefit Costs: <br /> Increase to Salary and Supplement Costs <br /> Certified Staff Salary Increase(5.7%projected) $819,000 $66.31 <br /> Classified Staff Salary Increase(5%projected) 815,000 65.99 <br /> Local Supplement Increase(5.33%projected) 590,000 47.77 <br /> Total Increase to Salary and Supplement Costs 2,224,000 180.07 <br /> Increase to Employer Matching Benefit Costs <br /> Matching Social Security and Medicare(7.65%) 125,000 10.12 <br /> Matching State Retirement(21.68%to 22.64%projected increase)(Fixed) 1,471,000 119.10 <br /> Premium Increase in Health Insurance Cost from$6,647 to$6,791 (Fixed) 278,000 22.51 <br /> Total Increase to Employer Matching Benefit Costs 1,874,000 151.73 <br /> Project Advance Salary Differential Continuation <br /> Salary Differential Continuation 719,000 58.21 <br /> Matching Social Security and Medicare(7.65%) 55,000 4.45 <br /> Matching State Retirement(22.64%projected) 162,000 13.25 <br /> Total Salary and Benefits for Project Advance Continuation 936,000 75.78 <br /> Total Local Operating Budget Continuation Costs $5,034,000 $407.58 <br /> LOCAL CURRENT OPERATING BUDGET PRIORITY EXPANSION COSTS <br /> Social and Emotional Learning/Mental Health Services Expansion 1,014,000 82.10 <br /> Elementary Math and English Intervention 880,000 71.25 <br /> Professional Development Office 550,000 44.53 <br /> District Senior Leadership Reorganization 65,000 5.26 <br /> Magnet Schools Dual Language Coordinator 80,000 6.48 <br /> Business and Financial Services Reorganization 80,000 6.48 <br /> Virtual Academy 305,000 24.69 <br /> Total Local Operating Budget Expansion Costs 2,974,000 240.79 <br /> Grand Total of Local Continuation and Expansion Costs 8,008,000 648.37 <br /> 00 <br /> Chapel Hill—Carrboro City Schools—FY 2021-22 Recommended Budget empower <br /> inspire <br />