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28 <br /> EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 5 <br /> Recommended Increases to the Local Operating Budget for <br /> Salaries and Benefits <br /> Employer Health <br /> Insurance Cost <br /> $278,000 <br /> rl I— <br /> F Certified Salaries <br /> $819,000 <br /> State Retirement <br /> Matching <br /> $1,471,000 <br /> . i oil <br /> FICA Matching <br /> $125,000 <br /> Project ADVANCE Salary Differential Continuation $936,000 <br /> Over the course of the 2014-15 school year, an inclusive team of teachers, administrators, and <br /> key stakeholders developed Project ADVANCEa strategic compensation model designed to <br /> connect professional learning to teacher and certified support staff salaries. Implemented in <br /> August 2016, Project ADVANCE represented a shift in the professional learning model for <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools to include compensation for completing learning at different <br /> levels. <br /> At the March 19, 2020 Board of Education work session, all Project ADVANCE completions as <br /> of June 30, 2020 were suspended to coincide with the grant conclusion. The FY 2020-21 Board <br /> of Education Adopted Budget included a one-time hold harmless payment for all Project <br /> ADVANCE finishers including those in district-supported cohorts using $968,000 from fund <br /> balance. At that time, the board also expressed interest in seeking a more permanent solution <br /> during the FY 2021-22 budget cycle. <br /> Continuation of the payments as a permanent salary differential will require a recurring <br /> budgetary commitment by the District. The estimated increase required in the FY 2021-22 <br /> continuation budget is $936,000. This cost is made up of$719,000 in a continuing salary <br /> differential, $55,000 in matching Social Security and Medicare costs, and $162,000 of matching <br /> State retirement. <br /> 00 <br /> Chapel Hill—Carrboro City Schools—FY 2021-22 Recommended Budget empower <br /> inspire <br />