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13 <br /> illegal alien immigration in the United States. He asked how citizens can be sure that this <br /> program is not being executed in a manner that violates federal law. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Bedford, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> close the public hearing. <br /> Roll call ensued <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if this is the time for the Board to ask questions, or if it will <br /> come back for future discussion. <br /> Erika Brandt said this meeting would be the best time to ask questions. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin referred to page 4 of the report, where it says there are <br /> $350,000 and another $14,000 for program income, but only $180,000 was spent in 2019. He <br /> said some requests were probably not funded, and asked if the rest of those funds are rolled <br /> over and available for reallocation. He also asked what is the reasoning for any difference in <br /> funding allocations. <br /> Erika Brandt said only a subset of the 2019 awarded funding was disbursed in that <br /> same year. She said in 2019, funds were disbursed that had been awarded in prior years. She <br /> said this is the usual practice of the program, and it can take time for funds to actually be <br /> disbursed to recipients. She said all awards made in 2019 are still on track to be expended. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the other projects that were listed are in the pipeline to <br /> receive funding. <br /> Erik Brandt said yes, funding is reserved. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she had the same question as Commissioner Dorosin. <br /> She asked if there are reasons why some projects do not get funded in the year they are <br /> requested. She asked if there is a barrier, or is it a typical lag. <br /> Erika Brandt said she would follow up with an email with specifics. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if this was usual or is this something that just happened <br /> in 2019. <br /> Erika Brandt said from her perspective it is pretty typical, due to the complexities of the <br /> projects. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if the Home Consortium discusses or develops plans for <br /> those who are displaced from mobile home parks. She asked if there is a collaborative plan to <br /> address this. <br /> Erika Brandt said various staff members are involved in those conversations. <br /> Chair Price said the public comment period is from March 16 to March 31. She asked, <br /> since the board is meeting remotely, if can residents submit comments with the closing of the <br /> public hearing. She asked if the virtual aspect affects the public hearing requirements. <br /> John Roberts said in this public hearing, the need for a public comment period is coming <br /> from another agency. He said the public can comment until March 31. He said as long as <br /> people know they can still make comments, this is just a public hearing, and there is no <br /> decision to be made. <br /> Chair Price asked if there is a deadline to make decisions. <br /> Erika Brandt said there is not a decision to be made, and this is just a report to be <br /> submitted to Housing and Urban Development. She said all submitted comments will be <br /> included in the report. She said the report will be submitted in April. <br /> 6. Regular Agenda <br />