Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> CURRENT STATUS: LOCAL STAKEHOLDERS (OVERVIEW) <br /> In addition to the gap assessment and action plan provided by the SIM Workshop, the subcommittee examined in detail the needs of <br /> stakeholders in Orange County. <br /> Subcommittee membership itself includes representatives of key stakeholder groups involved in Orange County crisis services: emergency <br /> medical services, existing clinical services including UNC Hospitals, law enforcement, courts, and jail. <br /> Working with stakeholder representatives, we examined crisis situations that arise in Orange County and used these to further identify the <br /> services and facility attributes that are absent and that if they existed would: <br /> Enhance crisis response to better serve individuals by providing quality care in the most appropriate setting <br /> Benefit stakeholders who engage individuals in crisis on a daily basis in Orange County by facilitating alternative responses that save <br /> these stakeholders time and dollars and result in better outcomes for all involved. <br /> This stakeholder input enriches our understanding of the gaps that exist in existing crisis services thus augmenting the findings of the SIM <br /> Workshops. <br /> 11 <br />