Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> CURRENT STATUS : SIM WORKSHOP (OVERVIEW) <br /> The Orange County Criminal Justice Resource Department, District Court Judges' Office, and multiple other local stakeholders requested <br /> the Sequential Intercept Mapping and Taking Action for Change workshops held in April 2019 (SIM Workshop). <br /> The primary objectives of the SIM Workshop are: <br /> Develop a comprehensive picture of how people with BH disorders flow through Orange County criminal justice system. Exhibit A <br /> describes the Sequential Intercept Mapping Framework and provides details of the sequential intercept mapping for Orange County. <br /> Identify gaps, resources, and opportunities for intervention and deflection at each intercept. <br /> Determine priorities to improve system and service level responses for individuals in the target population. <br /> As noted in the workshop documentation, improving outcomes for justice-involved persons with behavioral health disorders requires <br /> partnerships across the justice, mental health, homelessness, and substance use service systems. <br /> The BHTF is charged with being the lead partnership, in conjunction with representatives of other partnerships, to oversee implementation <br /> of the action plan developed during the Taking Action for Change Workshop. <br /> Exhibit A summarizes the programs and resources that already exist in Orange County. These resources provide a solid foundation upon <br /> which crisis system enhancements can be made. <br /> 8 <br />