Orange County NC Website
<br />r1 <br />III. Hold a special public hearing on October 15, 2002 for creating a special use permit <br />(SUP} process with decision by BOCC at tither 11/1/2002 or 12/02/2002 Board <br />meeting. <br />N. Advertise a request far qualifications (RFQ} to identify consultants with unified <br />development ordinance ([TDO} experience as soon as possible.. <br />V. Therea$er release a request for proposals (RFP} or a request for services for a <br />consultant to help with unified development ordinance development and preparation. <br />VI. • Develop a unified development ordinance (UDO) that correlates with the <br />comprehensive land use plan update.. <br />+ Estimated Completion of UDO and comprehensive land use plan update: 6-12 <br />months. <br />